April 2007

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A New Year, New Opportunities

In common with many businesses, April marks the start of our financial year. It is also the month when, in England at least, many animals have their young, plants bud and blossom after winter, and the year 'turns' back towards summer. The mood in the Online50 offices is one of eager anticipation for the new year. Will Dean joins our team to work with our partners as we roll out our new Partner Programme. Based on what our partners have requested, we expect that the partner programme will support them in the delivery of their own accounting services, both for Online50 based services and more traditional accountancy services. As we provide an on demand service, we have already ensured that our infrastructure is ready to grow with the demands of our client base.

March, once again, showed strong growth and early indicators are that April is set to maintain the pattern of consistent year on year growth each month. In March 2007 we provided an aggregate total of over 36000 hours of processing time. (We measure processing time as the time that users were running software on our servers). That represents over 1500 24 hour days, or over 4500 8 hour working days. (With 240 working days per year, that would keep somebody busy for more than 18 and a half years!).

Since we provide our services through accountants, we know that our success is based on their success. We are a service provider, we provide technology that can bring an accountant and their clients closer together, but we do not provide the accountancy services that their clients need. This provides the basis for a symbiotic relationship with our partners where both parties benefit from the relationship and participate as equals. If you provide accountancy and/or bookkeeping services and you are not yet an Online50 partner please call us on 0800 195 0835 to find out more.

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In This Issue:

Case Study: International Made Local
Online50 Partner Programme
Online50 - The Flexible Bureau Service

Case Study: International Made Local

Online50 are committed to working with our network of accounting partners. Part of that commitment is the preparation of case studies showing real world examples of how our accounting partners and their clients are using the service that we provide. This month we look at how Online50 has helped Artaius extend both the level and reach of the service they provide.

This case study highlights several benefits that Artaius and their clients have received. The first client that Artaius added to the service had a very large Line 50 dataset, which ran slowly on a Local Area Network. By moving the data onto our servers they were able to reliably access the data at the same time as their client who were themselves spread over a number of different locations. This multi location benefit has been further leveraged by offering the service to overseas clients, and also processing offshore in India. As a result users can be working on the same data in different time zones, with India providing data to the UK for start of day. The UK, in turn, provides analysis to the US. Artaius have also integrated their payroll processing to the point where a payslip can be processed in India, and printed directly to a printer in Artaius' offices in Stevenage.

You can see the full case study by clicking on the link below:

Links (all open in a new window)

Case Study: International made local

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Online50 Partner Programme

We recently announced that we were asking our partners what they wanted from their relationship with us. Following a detailed survey we have now defined our new Partner Programme based on what our partners have been requesting. The programme sets out to formally define what we can provide to our partners. Not all elements of the programme can be delivered immediately, but we are working to complete everything our partners have requested.

Features of the new partner programme will include:

  • Interactive map based Partner Locator
  • Preparation of a case study
  • Announcements to local press
  • Announcements to clients and prospects of the partner
  • Detailed partner manual
  • Publication of service details for services provided by the partner (both Online50 based services and traditional accountancy services)
  • The ability to refer business to, and receive referals from, other Online50 partners
  • End user referrals based on location, expertise and preferences

One of the elements of the Partner Programme that is immediately available is the preparation of a Case Study for our partners detailing how they have been using the service with their clients. This is an activity which we have already been undertaking on an ad-hoc basis but we are now committing ourselves to prepare a case study for any partner that requests one. If you would like to discuss any case study opportunities for your practice please speak to your account manager.

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Online50 - The Flexible Bureau Service

The Online50 service provides a true pay as you go bureau service. Working here, we take that for granted, but we often find that people miss what this means. We provide the infrastructure, support and administration to provide a hosted software service. This means that we run all of the servers, provide all of the connectivity, manage the server software installations, administer the vendor's application licenses, create and test user accounts, and provide helpdesk support for accessing the platform -- all based on a monthly usage fee. We also allow our accounting partners to brand the service to their practice, to resell both our service and software vendor licenses, and to choose whether to bill their own clients or have us bill them, with all usage being billed monthly. (See also
True Pay as you Go in the side panel.)

Not only do we do that, but as this is a bureau service it is designed to be a multi-company, multi-user, multi-application installation. For example, users of Sage Line 50 can access any company that they have access to from within the same session without having to log out. Multiple applications are supported and so users can choose to run just their accounts, or add in Payroll, Microsoft Office, CRM and other software as they need to.

We have invested heavily in our service, and will continue to do so. Our partners are assured that our service will continue to support their needs and those of their clients. As testament to this we recently received the following comment from one of our existing partners:

"Online50 is much, much faster than internally networked Sage. I've tried it here with a recent upgrade and seen it at 2 other sites, yours is much better. Well done - it's good news and offers me useful sales advantages."

Glen Lawrence, 8020 Financial Management.

If you are not yet an Online50 partner and you'd like to discuss how our flexible bureau solution can help your accounting practice, bookkeeping bureau or business then please call the sales desk on 0800 195 0835.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2007

London Bus

Pay as you go with Online50
- buy a ticket, not the bus!

True Pay as you Go

We were recently asked if a client that only accessed their accounts one month in three (to do their VAT return) could be active for just that one month. Although this is unusual it is perfectly legitimate, provided we have proper advance notice of the use requirements.

The charges for use of the Online50 service are based on 30 day terms. Our users can scale their service up or down whenever they need to; they just need to give us 30 days notice for services that are being withdrawn. This includes downgrading software, removing users and so on. Because our licenses with software vendors allow us to add and remove users whenever required and so if the client only accesses the service for one month in three, they only need to pay for that access for one month in three.

If you are not yet an Online50 partner and you would like to discuss our true pay as you go model please call our sales desk on 0800 195 0835.

Different Views, Different News?

We are occasionally asked if we can produce different versions of our newsletter with a different slant. For example, one specifically for our partners, one for users, one for the SME community and so on.

We are keen to make the information we provide more relevant. If the production of targeted newsletters for different communities will help, then of course this is something that we will want to put in place. Let us know what you think, speak to your account manager, or if you are not yet an Online50 partner or user then call the Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm