April 2012

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Making Life Easier

Sometimes it's worth working extra hard work to make things simpler and easier.

Making life easier for our users is a goal that the Online50 team strives for.  This month we highlight a few areas where our service makes life easier.

  • At this time of the year we often get feedback from Accountants about how much easier Year Ends are when they and their clients both use Online50.
  • Changing software often requires a lot of hard work.  With Online50, moving into the Cloud couldn't be easier.
  • Online retails can make their lives easier by adding Tradebox - available with calendar monthly terms from Online50.

If you have any ideas about how we can make your business life easier, or if you'd like to discuss how Online50 is already making life easier for our users, please call the Online50 team on 0800 195 0835.

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In This Issue:

Year Ends Made Easy With Online50
Online Sage 50 - Easy Come, Easy Go - Reason 4 To Choose Online50
Software Focus: Tradebox
Making E-Commerce Integration With Sage 50 Accounts Easier

Year Ends Made Easy With Online50

As many businesses run their financial year to 31st March we are now entering the season where a large number of our users and accounting partners are processing their financial year end.  When an accountant or their client first processes a year end on Online50 they are often surprised at how painless the process can be.

One comment we have repeatedly heard from accountants is that prior to moving a client onto the Online50 service they would expect to find that the client did not post adjustment journals that they were given and that this meant additional (and often unrecoverable) work each year.  Because the accountant has real time access to the accounts of a client on the Online50 platform they can ensure that any year end work is properly completed to the live accounts, eliminating the need to duplicate work at a later date.

The same is true of monthly management journals.  Where an accountant is providing monthly or quarterly management accounts they ensure that the books are kept in order throughout the year, greatly simplifying the work required at year end.

One accountant told us: "I normally set aside three days to complete the year end for (a particular client).  Our bill is agreed in advance each year and so problems with the year end are unrecoverable and lead to us battling to increase the fee for next year.  I went to site for my initial meeting with the client's book keeper and managed to complete the year end processing in half a day!  This is thanks to the fact that our staff have kept the system tidy by providing monthly management accounts and we don't rely on our client to post any adjustments or reconcile the ledgers.  The client is happy because they now have a much clearer idea of where they are."

If you aren't using Online50 yet and you'd like to talk to us about how a faster and smarter approach to accountancy services can save you time and increase service levels, please call the Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835.

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Online Sage 50 - Easy Come, Easy Go - Reason 4 To Choose Online50

Sage 50 is the clear UK market leader in SME accounting software.  Consequently, most book keepers know how to use it, most accountants are highly experienced users and most business owners have at least used it.  As a general purpose small business accounts package it is suitable for a wide range of needs and the majority of businesses use it.

Moving to Online50 is easy.  Many business owners, accountants and book keepers are worried that it will be difficult to move to Online50.  They are worried that they will have to reload their Sage 50 Chart of Accounts, customised reports and all the other tweaks they have made to get Sage 50 running just right for them.

In fact, it couldn't be easier.  Take a backup from the existing Sage 50 program (of any version at all back to Line 50 v 8.1).  Restore this data into your Online50 company (created as an empty company for you as part of the setup).  Start working.

Staying with Online50 is easy.  Sage 50 on Online50 works exactly like Sage 50 works on your local machine.  It may be a little faster.  It may be a lot more convenient because you can access it easily from other locations.  You may feel more secure because you will have the benefit of data being replicated between locations for business continuity.  It may be more flexible because you can get an additional license just for a month or two when you have your very busy period.  Otherwise, it will be just as you knew it.

Leaving Online50 is easy.  Although many users have been with us for a long time — some since the original pilot in 2001 — companies are able to leave with just one full calendar month's notice.  To take your data with you, just take a backup from Sage 50 on Online50 and then restore it into into your local Sage 50 (provided they are the same version) and everything will be exactly as you left it - except for the benefits that come from hosting.

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Software Focus: Tradebox
Making E-Commerce Integration With Sage 50 Accounts Easier

The UK leads Europe in terms of online retail according to research by group buying site Kelkoo released in January 2012.  The sector is now worth £50 billion, a 14% increase year on year. (Reported by*

Online50 has recently had a noticable increase in online retailers considering Sage 50 online as their business expands sharply.  It seems that for most, online retail generates a relatively high number of relatively low value orders.  This can create a real headache for the finance team as it is very easy for the paperwork and financial data to get out of control.

Tradebox Finance Manager

Tradebox Finance Manager is one of the software packages available on the fully managed Online50 platform.  Tradebox is a rather clever tool which automatically inserts the online sale information directly into Sage 50.

Tradebox Finance Manager can be linked to a shopping cart on your existing website for example to Zen Cart or Magento, or it can link to a merchant account on Ebay or Amazon.

Tradebox Finance Manager can import information directly into both Sage 50 Accounts and Sage Instant (both of which are available on the Online50 platform).  As usual from Online50, Tradebox Finance Manager is available on flexible calendar monthly terms.

Why not give one of the Online50 team a call to find out more on 0800 195 0835.

* reported 19th January 2012 - link checked by us on 3rd April 2012.

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The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2012

Making life easier for over a decade.
How will you use the extra time?

New Build Released

We previously highlighted that a new build would be released shortly.  We are delighted to confirm that the new build has now been rolled out to support the Payroll Year End update for Sage and we have initally moved all users of Sage 50 Accounts 2012 and Sage 50 Payroll onto servers running the new build.

We are delighted that the feedback from the first group of users confirms our own experience of the build: Sage 50 Accounts is noticably quicker.

When Will You Be Moved Onto The New Build?

We don't normally roll users onto the latest build as a matter of course.  Part of our design goals for the new build was to make it easier and faster to deploy servers running the Online50 service so that we can give the latest features to as many users as possible as quickly as possible.  Although we would love to let everyone benefit immediately from the features of the new build, our initial priority is to make sure that all the software included in the new build is totally stable and works as intended.

With each new build, we do extensive internal testing and then release it for use in our own office.  Once we are satisfied we move a small group of initial users onto the build so we can see how it performs for them.  Once we are satisfied that everything is working as we hoped we roll it out for all our users.  We do not do 'overnight updates' of the whole system.

We will keep you informed.

Online50 Partner Day 2012

We were joined by a range of existing and potential Online50 Partners on Thursday 29th March 2012 at the Hilton Green Park Hotel for our Online50 Partner Day.

The very full day received positive feedback with partners who attended reporting that they felt the time they had taken for the day had been usefully used and that they would attend the next one.

The live demonstrations of some of our software was a real high point for the majority of attendees who were unaware of the tools we provide to make operating online easier.  In fact we had a number of partners suggesting that they would like to see more demonstrations in the future - which we will certainly build into our planning.

Thank you very much to everyone who attended.

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