April 2013

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Helping Businesses Spring Forward

In the UK we are now operating on "British Summer Time" despite having had the coldest March for 50 years (and for some parts of the country the coldest March since 1892)!

We trust that you are also benefitting from the slow thaw in the economic environment, even if those of us in the UK are struggling to shrug off the winter!

In the Online50 Newsletter this month:

  • We remind you that it is possible to both use your preferred software and access it over the Internet. 
  • Our Help Desk have recieved a number of very complimentary comments and so we take this opportunity to highlight the great work they do.
  • We profile the Adept Sage 50 Bill of Materials Add On available from Online50 on monthly terms.
  • Finally we highlight our hosted VOIP service to be launched later in 2013

Thank you for your interest in Online50.

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In This Issue:

The Software Version You Prefer - Reason 10 to Choose Online50
Responsive Support When You Need It
Adept Sage 50 BOM Tools £7.50 pcm
Hosted VoIP

The Software Version You Prefer - Reason 10 to Choose Online50

Most organisations spend time finding software that meets their needs. So it can be frustrating when:

  • Software owners decide to withdraw support for your version of the software.
  • Your software is unable to work on a new operating system.
  • You can not work with your software on a new Mac.

Surely it should be your choice!

Software Unaffected By  Changes

Using hosting from Online50, it is possible to avoid the problems others experience with changes to their Microsoft operating system or in moving to an Apple operating system.  Because the software is accessed through a web browser and not loaded on the device, users of Online50 will be able to carry on working as before with just a few minor tweaks.

Which Sage Version - Your Choice

With a rented software license from Online50, users can choose which version of software they prefer.

There are three key ways that our users tend to exercise that choice to:

  • Stick with older software versions that they know and trust for example Line 50 v 10
  • Upgrade annually to the previous year's version - it is likely to be stable and up to date
  • Upgrade periodically to the latest version.

With software like Sage Payroll, it is essential that software is updated to factor in legislation changes.  For Online50 users renting Payroll, this will be done automatically and with no additional cost.  For Online50 users where we host their software version, they need to acquire an upgrade, and have the option to purchase this through Online50 or direct from Sage.

Your Software Your Choice

 If you would like to have more choice about your business software, talk to Online50 today.

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Responsive Support When You Need It

"I have been most impressed with its ease of use and the friendliness and efficiency of the help line.  You get to speak directly to someone who can deal with your query and they have always got back to me when promised."
Alistair Kennedy

We Aim For First Call Fix

The Online50 Help Desk is structured so that the majority of issues can be dealt with over the phone, on the first call.  You are connected to a helpdesk technician to deal with your problem, not to a receptionist who takes details for you to be called back.

There are some issues that have to be escalated because they are more complex or are linked to software controlled by third parties.  Our Help Desk team retain ownership of these logs and will report back the progress.  You have a single point of contact for your issue from reporting to resolution.

Accept No Substitutes!

Many online accounting providers only offer email support to keep their support costs down.  We have seen them state that this is more efficient as the email can be routed to the right person to deal with your enquiry.  But that wastes your time.  We think it's better to provide a real person that you can speak to who understands what you are trying to achieve and how our systems work.

Other providers require a user to be passed from one team to the next as the issue is unravelled.  Often this means that you have to keep repeating your issue, and you are left unsure of who is supposed to be dealing with it.

At Online50 we are focussed on providing a resolution to your problem as quickly as we can - so we provide a telephone helpdesk in the UK, staffed by technicians who are equipped to resolve most user issues with the first call.

Responsive Support When You Need It

In an ideal world no one ever has to call in for support.  Working with IT this is highly unlikely.  At least if you do have to call in, with Online50 you can be certain that the Help Desk will aim to resolve the issue on the first call.  That leaves you to get on with your day as you had intended.

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Adept Sage 50 BOM Tools £7.50 pcm

Online50 host the entire cataloge of Adept Sage 50  Add ons.  In this issue we're highlighting the Bill of Materials Tools available with the BOM Tools Add On for just £7.50 per calendar month.

The "Bill of Materials" (or BOM) available in Sage is a fairly simple way of turning a collection of parts (each with their own stock code) into a finished product (with a different stock code).  This Adept Add-On provides additional tools for users that need to work with BOMs and require more flexibility than the standard Sage software provides.

The Add-On provides a collection of tools to assist with managing BOMs in Sage 50 Accounts software. It includes a function that will disassemble a BOM assembly back to it's original components. The program can be run from a button in the Sage 50 product module.

Compatible with Sage 50 Accounts Pro and Financial Controller versions 8 to 19 (2013).

Bill of Materials Tools in the Add On

  • A high speed search facility will locate Assemblies by product code, barcode or text within the product description.
  • View a list of all Assemblies with cost price, sales price and quantity in stock.
  • View a multi level BOM explosion in tree format.
  • View all the components of a multi level BOM as a list with total quantities and cost prices.
  • Shows calculated total cost price with an option to save this as the new assembly cost price.
  • Assemble function will transfer stock for a multi level BOM with a single click.
  • Disassemble function will disassemble assemblies back to the original components.
  • What BOM tool shows you which assemblies a component belongs to.
  • BOM Fix tool will rebuild all your Product Assembly Level and Link Level fields.

Contact Online50 today to find out about this or other Adept Sage 50 Add Ons available online and with monthly pricing.

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Hosted VoIP

Hosted VoIP

Users who have been in contact with us using the telephone over the past few months will have noticed that we installed a new phone system towards the back end of 2012.  This is the first stage of a roll-out of a hosted business grade VoIP (Voice over IP (Internet Protocol)) service to users which will gather momentum throughout 2013.

We are in the early stags of customer trials with the expectation of releasing the system for full commercial operation within the next few months.

From our own perspective we have seen our phone bills halve with the new system, and thanks to some clever Online50 tweaks we are enjoying even better call quality than on our previous in-house PBX system.

The new system is manufactured by ShoreTel and is owned, installed and maintained by Online50 in our Data Centres.  We could not find another system in the market that provided the collection of features we needed in a business PBX.

If you are considering a hosted VoIP product in 2013, and you are concerned about the quality of calls and the availability of key business features (such as call recording, conferencing, call queuing and so on), make sure you talk to Online50.  For an initial discussion call our Sales Desk today on 020 7536 7736 (and hear the call quality for yourself!).

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2013

Are you seeing signs of change?

A Barometer For The Economy

We often consider that Online50, with our profile of offering premium services to small businesses on short term contracts, is a good barometer for the UK economy.  Small businesses tend to be owner managed.  They spend their money thoughtfully and seek out good value.  This makes small businesses a good "lead indicator" for the economy.  As we do not hold people to long term contracts and have an "easy-on, easy-off" philosophy users can cease using our services whenever they choose to.  This means that if our users do not see value in continuing with the Online50 subscriptions they are free to cease their service and so providing another good indicator of confidence in the economy (or at least our service - Ed).

Online50 Business Update

At Online50 we continue to see good growth in terms of the users adopting our services.  In the financial year 2012/13 we have seen c.15% growth in revenues, with margins holding.  Users are from a wide range of small businesses in different sectors, primarily UK based but increasingly international.  This suggests that confidence in the economic outlook is holding.

Sage Payroll RTI Updates Complete

The Sage Payroll year end updates with RTI capability were all rolled out on schedule and all users of Sage Payroll have been contacted to make sure they are planning the upgrade.

There were a few users who were on holiday or off sick who we had to leave messages for.  If you have not yet moved across please contact the Help Desk as soon as possible.

Removing the hassle of year end payroll software updates is another reason for users choosing to use the Online50 service.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm