February 2005

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Where did January Go?

Is it a penance for festive excesses that makes accountants work so hard in January, or is it a combination of deadlines, including self assessment and the filing of March year end accounts? Regardless of what drives any individual there is no doubt that January is a difficult time for accountants in practice. Consequently, we returned from the holidays expecting a quiet month and decided not to issue a January Newsletter, but once again you surprised us. We had strong sales of new signups in January and end user growth was strong too, with significant numbers of new client companies being added to the system. In this issue of the Newsletter we look at Software Licensing in particular as Sage announce a new piracy policy.

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In This Issue:

Beware of Licence Abuse
Sage Launch Piracy Policy
Aberdeen Sees Two New Bureaux
The Value of Software Licensing

Sage Launch Piracy Policy

Sage have recently announced the launch of their Piracy Policy to their Business Partner community. This move is being made in recognition of the loss of revenue caused by users not complying with the terms of their licence, or people avoiding paying for a licence. More detailed information about the new policy can be found on the Sage UK website, but the following extract summarises the key message:

"We are committed to protecting the quality and integrity of our software. Software piracy impacts not just on us but also on the legitimate business of our authorised Business Partners and Accountant Club Members and puts our customers at risk of legal action. Misuse of our software will not be tolerated, and we will not hesitate to take swift legal action and/or to report misuse to any interested party or to the relevant enforcement authorities ... Prosecution may result in an unlimited fine and/or up to 10 years imprisonment."

Online50 customers can be confident that all of the software we provide is appropriately licensed by all vendors. We ensure that not only the application software (ie Sage) is properly licensed, but also the Operating System and Client Access Licences from Microsoft that are required to operate the system. Where any elements of the system are optional then these may be paid for separately and we will protect our users by ensuring that they cannot run software that they are not licensed to run.

Anyone concerned about the licensing aspects of the Online50 system should contact either the Sales Desk or the Help Desk - numbers can be found at the bottom of the page.

Links (all open in a new window)

Sage Software Piracy Policy

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Aberdeen Sees Two New Bureaux

January saw several signups, including Acumen Accountants & Advisors Limited and Hall Morrice, both in Aberdeen. Congratulations to them both. This strengthens our increasing presence in Scotland, with Aberdeen becoming the northernmost city with offices offering the Online50 service. However, since this is an online service users are not restricted by their geographical location, only by whether or not they can connect to the Internet. With users based across the world and a nationwide network of bureaux offices, Online50 is the country's largest and fastest growing online accounting system.

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The Value of Software Licensing

Fact: Using software without a licence is a crime
Fact: Using software in a way that is not permitted by the licence is a crime
Fact: Most companies are ignorant of the terms of their software licences
Fact: Prosecution may result in an unlimited fine or up to 10 years imprisonment

Online50 provides access to a range of standard Windows applications, online, to allow more efficient working and closer co-operation between colleagues, accountants and their clients. We provide licensed software from a range of vendors, some of which may not even be visible to end users. We have designed, built, and continue to maintain and update the platform, and we ensure that all software used is legally licensed. The value of legally licensed software is often misunderstood.

Licence costs and terms are ultimately set by the software Licensor, and as owner of the software they are entitled to charge for the use of the software as they see fit. Fortunately most vendors view ASP licensing favourably and offer attractive monthly terms on the basis that ASP providers, such as Online50, ensure that fraud is eliminated on their platform.

While most accountants that we talk to appreciate the value of the service we offer, we are occasionally challenged over the cost of the Online50 platform with prospective clients claiming that our pricing is expensive. Some accountants have gone as far as 'costing up' provision of an online service themselves. When comparing Online50 to a typical DIY system we usually find that the DIY system is not appropriately specified, and could leave an accountant open to prosecution for Software Licence Fraud.

As software terms are set by the Licensor, all software used must adhere to the terms of the licence or its use will be illegal. If, for example, a user remotely accesses software that has been legitimately purchased, but under the terms of the licence remote access is not permitted, the remote use of that software is illegal. A more specific example can be found using Microsoft Windows, where a 'remote workplace' can be configured to allow company employees to operate the software remotely. However, providing access to third parties is not included in this licence - Microsoft have an SPLA program for this purpose - and would constitute a breach of the terms of the licence. In short, the fact that a solution is technically possible does not mean that it is permitted under the terms of all relevant software licences.

Other shortcomings of a typical DIY system include only basic internet security being provided, insufficient hardware and bandwidth to meet typical commercial service levels, and support and help-desk requirements are not fully appreciated. The main points, which highlight the value of the Online50 service, are summarised in the table below:

Online50 SystemTypical DIY System
All software licensedInsufficient or inappropriate licensing for the Operating System and/or Application Software
Tier 1 Internet connection (direct to backbone network) with fully supported SLA.ADSL connection with no SLA and poor upload speeds (256k maximum, contended down).
Split authentication login processStandard default Microsoft login
Clustered servers connected to Fibre Channel SAN with Terrabytes of storageTwo low-end servers with no spare capacity
Dedicated support team with backup from vendors (SageCover provided)Internal administrator with no vendor backup (ie Sage do not currently support remote access)
Custom designed software to optimise system performance (See Under The Bonnet from the December Newsletter).No workaround for any application software issues including CPU hogging

Our analysis showed that both the implementation and annual operational costs were lower for Online50 than a typical 'DIY' implementation - with a 31% saving on the cost of implementation and 1% on the annual running costs. By bringing the 'DIY' system closer to the Online50 specifications the cost savings become more pronounced. Although we did not set out to do so, we showed that buying into Online50 was cheaper than a basic offering with unlicenced software, and with the added bonus that accountants cannot be prosecuted for providing services to their clients on the Online50 platform.

Any reader wanting further information on this comparison should contact the Sales Desk.

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Beware of Licence Abuse

Licence / Software Fraud can be the copying and use of Software CDs (pirating) or can be the use of original software without being licensed to do so. It could also be the use of legally obtained software in a manner not permitted by its accompanying license. For example, the standard Sage software licence precludes the use of software in a hosted or remotely accessed environment. Nearly all vendors, including Sage and Microsoft, prohibit making the software available to third parties (i.e.: neither the Licensor nor the Licensee). If an IT supplier implements a solution that breaks licensing terms (for example providing third parties with access to unlicensed software) then the business principles involved could face criminal proceedings. This would include the IT supplier, their client, and the unlicensed users of the software.

Software companies, like Sage and Microsoft, take the misuse of their licenses very seriously indeed. Microsoft state that “Every lead is processed with the legal department and Microsoft’s actions can take many forms, from a warning letter to criminal proceedings.” ( In one year alone Microsoft investigated over 2,000 reports of piracy and fraud here in the UK. They have successfully prosecuted software fraudsters and prison sentences have been imposed. Although prison sentences are currently rarer than the licensors may want to portray, they are a reality. There has been coverage in the press recently of a trainee accountant who was jailed for software fraud - he was reported by a customer that bought software from him.

It is illegal to misuse a licence or to use a product without a licence. However it does not only hurt the 'fat cats' in large corporates. We all understand that licence revenue is what funds further software development and it gives back to the developers what they deserve for their hard work. Licence revenue also provides funding to the channel that supplies software, allowing IT suppliers to be properly resourced with skilled professionals. None of us would accept the prospect of not being rewarded for our hard work. It is only right, then, that we pay for what we use.

If you should decide to misuse a licence, what affect will that have on you? Apart from the fact that you could easily be prosecuted you are also putting your IT network and in fact your business in jeopardy. There are risks associated with installing counterfeit software, you have no idea where it came from or what viruses it may contain. There could be destructive elements present on a disk which could bring down not only your own computer, but your entire network. At the very least, you could find that the software is unreliable and does not function properly. In the event that you have a problem with genuine software that is not being used in compliance with the license you will not be able to obtain any support from the vendor, nor will you be entitled to any important security updates provided by the vendor.

On the Online50 platform all products and services are properly licensed and are all used in accordance with agreements signed with the vendors. These vendors include both Sage and Microsoft and any other vendors supplying any of the number of products to which we now provide online access. Therefore you can be confident that when you use our service you can do so with ease of mind and in the knowledge that you are fully supported by both the Vendor and the Online50 Helpdesk.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2005

With the threat of a prison sentence, software vendors tighten up on Software Misuse

Beyond Sage - The Online50 Community

In the December edition of this Newsletter we looked ‘under the bonnet’ of the Online50 platform. Many users would be forgiven for thinking that it is merely access to Sage Line 50 over the internet, and while Sage Line 50 is indeed a core product, Online50 is much more than just this one product. It is a technology in its own right, as well as the fastest growing community of users in the industry, and this is only just the beginning.

In the first 12 months of operation Online50 grew from a community of one accounting practice to about 60 (with over 150 offices nationwide) at the time of writing. This looks set to continue as we experience exponential user base growth, which averaged more than 15% per month over the second half of 2004.

So what makes Online50 different, and why is it so much more successful than other ASP offerings that have preceded it?

Online50 provides its services via the accounting channel to small businesses, typically with up to £5 million turnover. These firms generally rely on accountants for advice and administrative support with their accounting function, hence the first step being to enable them to work together more closely. This is a view that is shared by a number of other organisations, and we are not alone in our accounting channel strategy.

So, if Online50’s uniqueness lies not in its approach to market through the accounting channel, where does it lie? - in its approach to software. Rather than to write web based applications, we decided to write software that supports the use of standard ‘best of breed’ Windows applications. In the case of Line 50 it is the most widely used application in its class and it is a product that has lasted the test of time.

We recognise that Line 50 on its own is not enough to support most entrepreneurs and business owners. They need marketing, CRM, HR and a whole host of other integrated tools to assist them with the running of their businesses. With these comes the need for the resources and technical expertise to acquire, implement and support these systems. Online50 can reduce the barriers to adoption of best of class technology, allowing small businesses to excel.

Online50 work in partnership with accounting firms to provide the software that small businesses are demanding. From our core application, Sage Line 50, we have included add-ons, such as Job Costing, Payroll, Busydesk (CRM), and Microsoft Office, and we are negotiating licence terms with other leading providers of applications for managing HR, financial, and marketing requirements. Choice of applications is determined by the market, and access to these products is available to all Online50 partners and their clients through the branded practice portal.

We are grateful to our ever expanding community of business partners for their support and assistance with the shaping of the service. We continue to look forward to further establishing Online50 as the premier online community of accountants.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm