February 2007

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Partnering for Growth

At Online50 the majority of our users are subscribing to a service from their accountant. We understand that our service carries the reputation of our partners, and that their business is the provision of accountancy services, not accounting software (hosted or otherwise!) We are commited to working with our accounting partners, understanding that it is the accounting services that they provide that represents the real value to most of our users.

The map to the right shows the current distribution of accountants offering the Online50 service. Each 'Pin' represents at least one accountant (in most areas more than one) offering the service. We are actively looking at ways in which we can help them. As part of this 'accountant centred' approach we are introducing software that has been requested by our partners, something we are able to do because we are a service provider, not a software vendor.

Being inextricably linked to the accounting sector our business follows the same business cycle that accountants experience. Since most accountants are busy with Self Assessment work in January we do not send a January Newsletter. However, in keeping with previous years we have seen strong usage growth in January - both in terms of new users and increased hours of use - despite the pressures of self assessment returns.

We remain committed to servicing the Accounting Industry and partnering with accountants to help them service their clients more effectively. We look forward to a prosperous 2007 for Online50 and our accountants community, together Partnering for Growth.

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In This Issue:

Online50 Partner Networks for more business
Software Released for User Testing
Software Service, Service, Service!
Online50 to sponsor IAB Business Enterprise Awards
Legal Update for EMail

Online50 Partner Networks for more business

As the number of accountants providing services to their clients on the Online50 platform continues to grow we are seeing more interaction between partners. As the map shows we are well represented across the whole of the United Kingdom and the network of partners is steadily increasing. What is exciting is the way our partners are interacting, we are seeing accountants actively working together with other Online50 partners. For example in the last fortnight we know that an accountant in Newbury gave assistance to an accountant in Newcastle whose client needed help with succession planning.

As our network of partners continues to grow we are actively asking our partners what they want from their relationship with us. Of course we understand that what we provide is the technology that allows the accountant and their client to work together online. However, as we have relationships with so many accountants we are now finding that we are asked to make introductions. We have been working with some of our partners to see how we can most effectively help the flow of business between partners and we will be making an announcement about our new Partner Programme shortly.

If you would like your views to be included and you have not yet heard from us, please speak to your account manager.

If you are not yet an Online50 partner and you would like to know more about how Online50 is helping accountants in practice and their clients, then please call the Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835.

Links (all open in a new window)

Online50 Partner Directory

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Software Released for User Testing

As part of the ongoing development of the Online50 platform we have recently released some software to user test, before full adoption on our production servers. Due to popular demand we will soon be taking orders for MYOB bookkeeping software - we will provide more information as it becomes available.

We also have a small number of partners testing our Document Exchange - an HTML application designed to allow secure storage of documents for exchange with clients. Once released this facility will be available to all Online50 partners as an additional means of working more closely with their clients.

What ideas do you have for the Online50 platform? Is there a particular software package that you would like to see hosted? Please contact your account manager or, if you are not yet an Online50 partner, call the sales desk on 0800 195 0835 and let us know.

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Software Service, Service, Service!

In a recent discussion with a member of the growing software on demand industry, the lamentable trait of different vendors trying to capture one of the popular buzzwords and appropriate it for their own use was raised. In any fast moving field the use of clear terminology is important as it allows both those who are familiar with the subject and those who are not to communicate, and the software on demand industry is no exception.

Following this discussion we realised that we are the only service provider actively promoting a common, scalable one-to-many software service in our market segment. All of the other providers are software vendors actively promoting their own software. The Online50 service, run by IT Inside Out (ITIO) is a multi vendor, multi version service. We are in the business of providing our users with the software they choose to use, not the software we choose to develop.

Of course, there are companies that develop software, most of them do an excellent job and long may they continue to do so. At ITIO we are committed to continuing to deliver first rate service to our users, this will mean continuing to work closely with the vendors of the software packages our users demand. Ultimately we recognise that our business is the service of hosted software provision, not the software itself. Of course we need to ensure that we have suficient technology to deliver the service our users want, but primarily the software on demand business is as service oriented business, not a technically oriented one. This may seem bizarre, but ultimately the consumers of our service are not interested in the technical details of how a system has been implemented. They are interested in proven, reliable software, flexible licensing and deployment of that software, the security of their information and the robustness of the service.

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Online50 to sponsor IAB Business Enterprise Awards

Online50 is sponsoring the IAB Business Enterprise Awards 2007. The International Association of Bookkeepers Business Enterprise Awards are now in their eighth year and recognise the achievements of individuals. The awards span a range of categories, including Business Entrepreneur of the year, Social Entrepreneur of the year, and include awards for a range of supporting roles.

Online50 Founder Rob Lambden comments: "As a previous recipient of two IAB awards I know that the standards of achievement are particularly high, and what the industry acknowledgement means to the individuals revceiving them. The IAB fills an important function in the industry, providing support and training for many people starting out in accountancy. I am delighted to be able to support these awards."

Entries for the IAB Business Enterprise Awards are welcomed from all, you do not have to be a member of the IAB to apply. For more information please see the IAB website by clicking on the lnk below.

Links (all open in a new window)

IAB Awards

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Legal Update for EMail

Many of us will be unaware that following a clarification of UK law that came into effect on 1st January this year, limited companies and limited liability partnerships are now required to provide registration details on their EMails. This is the same requirement that has been in place regarding business letters for many years.

The information required is the company registration number, place of registration and the registered office address.

Most users will be able to easily add a 'Signature' to their eMails using their eMail software (eg: Microsoft Outlook) but should be aware that any system generated eMails (for example generated by a website) also need to comply.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2007

Partner Map

We've got the UK covered!
UK locations where one or more accountants
offer the Online50 service
Imagery ©2007 NASA

2007 is here

Our first newsletter of 2007 seems an appropriate time to provide an update on the latest version of Sage accounting software, now called Sage 50 2007. The software is currently being operated by some Online50 users in a controlled environment. Users requesting the software will be able to have access under the terms of their existing subscriptions without payment of any upgrade charges. A number of patches are still being released for this software by Sage (3 in the last week) and users should be aware of this as they decide what software (and which version) they will run.

Payroll year end

As the end of the payroll year approaches we are working with Sage to ensure that we can make your Payroll year end as smooth as possible. As part of this we will be moving existing payroll users onto the appropriate version of payroll prior to the year end, to ensure that the year end change us as smooth as possible. (One of the few times we are involved in persuading clients to update their software!)

If you are a Payroll user and you would like to discuss your year end timetable then please call us.

Case Studies Update

Following our Call For Case Studies in the December Newsletter we are pleased to say that we have completed 11 Case Studies in collaboration with our partners. We would like to generate many more that can be used both by us and our partners to show the real world benefits of the Online50 service.

We will be regularly releasing Case Studies over the coming year, and we look forward to hearing from many more of you regarding your own User success stories. If you would like to progress a Case Study please contact your Account Manager.

EMail Subscriptions

This communication is sent to confirmed recipients. If you would like to subscribe to future issues, then please go to our secure Contact Request Form and ensure you tick the 'Keep me Updated' option.

Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm