January 2008

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Happy New Year!

A happy and prosperous New Year to all readers of this Newsletter.


This is the first edition of the Newsletter following our Partner Day in November, and as such there is a lot to catch up on. In this edition we outline some new software and services that have been, or are being, introduced. We continue to try to identify how we can best serve our customers and deliver what it is they need from an online service.

The majority of this edition is taken up with information from or following the partner day. The day itself was packed and included a video presentation where Tafi Makamure answers some common questions about the infrastructure and security of the Online50 platform. You can see the presentation by clicking on this link.

As we go forward into 2008 we continue to strive to keep enhancing the Online50 service. As a service provider and not a software vendor we are able to bring together the range of software and services our clients need to ensure that this year, and the years to come, will be happy and prosperous.

For more information on any article, or the Online50 service itself, please do not hesitate to contact us (Support and Service Delivery Team on 0871 384 3511 and Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835).

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In This Issue:

Partner Manual Released
Partner Day Feedback
Email Update: Hosted Exchange 2007
Online Conferencing with Offline Clients
Online Backup

Partner Day Feedback

We were delighted to welcome so many people to our first Partner Day on the 27th November 2007. The day included feedback from three of our Partners: Melanie Troiano of Artaius; Gary Jesson of e-Financial Management and Peter Guinn of Alliotts. It also allowed us to update our Partners on Online50 developments and gave them the chance to say what they require of us in the future. In addition, a number of our vendors took the opportunity to make presentations to our partners about their software.

The vendors who spoke at our Partner day were:

  • Sage - Nigel Platt spoke about the positioning of the different products in the Sage range, and particularly how accountants can support larger clients using Sage 200. Interested attendees were able to profile their client base with Sage to obtain detailed information on their Sage software purchase history.
  • MYOB - Wayne Schmidt presented an overview of the latest release (16) of the MYOB bookkeeping software and updated partners on the expected arrival of an authorised hosting agreement with ITIO for the Online50 service.
  • Accounting Office - Jonathan Harris explained how their MyN product can be tailored to different client needs and can grow from a simple requirement into a full mid market system. He also explained how their technology allows the same product to be used through either a traditional Windows interface or a web interface.
  • Software Sculptors - Peter Wiggins gave a helpful overview of CRM including some of the pitfalls to watch out for when implementing.
  • WK5 - Richard Simms outlined the range of business support services, such as credit reporting and debt collection that are being integrated into the Online50 portal.
  • Ibistic - Morten Buskop gave an overview of their online invoice handling system that can be used to route purchase invoice documents for approval coding and payment. (This is a system which we asked our partners to feedback on and those in attendance showed overwhelming support for this as a concept.)

As a result of the partner day we have been directing our development efforts to provide those systems that partners have told us that they want. We have also undertaken to develop a 'Client Canvassing Matrix' workshop (see below) as well as a 'seminar in a box' for partners wanting to run breakfast briefings or similar to promote their accountancy services delivered using the Online50 platform.

Following the success of this event with our Partners, we intend to make it a twice yearly occasion with the next expected to be in May 2008.

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Email Update: Hosted Exchange 2007

We are introducing a 'Hosted Exchange' service. This will allow user to have their email hosted by us and accessed using either: Microsoft Outlook (running on their own PC's or laptops or as a hosted Windows application on the Online50 platform); or through secure web pages (using 'Outlook Web Access'); or using a compatible mobile device or smart phone. All of the features of Microsoft Exchange and Outlook are supported together, allowing shared calendars, the ability to assign tasks, common address lists and so on.

We will be upgrading all existing hosted email accounts to use Microsft Exchange Server over the next few weeks. This upgrade will be at no extra charge to our existing hosted email users, and will include 1GB of mail storage (separate from their other online storage) and a copy of Microsoft Outlook (downloadable). We expect to complete these upgrades by the end of March.

Exchange will also be available as a stand-alone purchase, so customers can opt to have some users that only have access to Hosted Exchange. For more information regarding Hosted Exchange please see the Microsoft site. To discuss the details of our offering please call the Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835.

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Online Conferencing with Offline Clients

One service that we asked partners for feedback on was web conferencing. This allows users in different locations to share documents and conduct a meeting online. This could be used with both Online50 hosted clients and offline clients, allowing our accounting partners to better support their whole client base.


Our Conferencing tools will allow you to connect to a shared web conference with your clients: this will enable you to look at shared documents (such as Microsoft Excel files ) stored on your local computers. Each participant will be able to contribute and interact with the conference. Conferences members may use telephone calls or the built in audio conferencing support of the conference system.

The general consensus at the partner day was that conferencing tools will be useful, particularly for international clients. Most delegates felt that a video conferencing system was not a particular requirement, although again this was more popular for partners with overseas clients.

As a result of this feedback we now have a system under trial and it is already in occasional use by our own helpdesk staff. It will be some time before the system is available for general release to users, but if you have a particular interest in this please speak to Jim Kelly (Service Delivery Manager) on 0871 384 3511 to ensure that you are kept informed.

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Online Backup

At the partner day we asked if partners would be interested in users being able to access the backups that we hold of their online data, and having the ability to backup their local data to our datacentres. We have enterprise class infrastructure which we keep under constant review. A current review of our backup systems means that this may be a possibility if it is supported by the user base.


High levels of support for this at the Partner Day have resulted in us commencing trials to identify the specifics of implementing such a service. Our intention will be to make backups of every Registered Dataset (for example a Sage 50 company) available to be downloaded by users. Access to these backups would be free of charge. Use of the facility to backup offline data onto our system would be charged under our data storage tarrif.

If you would like to be involved in a trial of this system please contact the Online50 helpdesk on 0871 384 3511 to make your interest known (existing users only please!)

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Partner Manual Released

At the Partner Day we released the first edition of our Partner Manual. This has been under development for some time and reviews from selected Online50 Accountancy Partners prior to the partner day confirmed its usefulness.

The Partner Manaul covers a range of marketing and operational aspects to sucessfully providing an Online50 based bureau service. Tools provided include a 'Readiness Checklist' for reviewing your ability to present and operate the Online50 platfrom and a 'Client Canvassing Matrix' to help identify specific benefits for individual clients when using the Online50 service.

Due to pressure of time at the partner day we were unable to cover the partner manual in as much detail as we would have liked. However, following the day we have received a number of appreciative comments regarding the Partner Manual.

"I read the Manual (well most of it!) on the train home. It really is a tour de force and will be of enormous benefit to BookCheck and yourselves in developing the user base. I congratulate you - it's very professional, detailed, practical and useful - in all a great achievement." Anthony Pilkington, Bookcheck

If you were unable to make the partner day please contact Will Dean to arrange your copy.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2008

Continuous Innovation - the Lubrication of Commercial Success

Continuous Innovation - The
Lubrication of Commercial Success

Sage 200

For users of Sage 50 whose requirements or data volumes grow beyond what the software can comfortably cope with the natural progression is to Sage 200. The Sage 200 suite now uses SQL server to provide a more scalable and robust solution and includes a range of accounting and business modules. We already have the software working on the Online50 platform. If you are interested in how Sage 200 could help your business grow, please call our Sales Desk on 0871 384 3511 to discuss whether it will fit your needs.


Originally from Australia, the MYOB bookkeeping software has been growing in popularity in the UK in recent years. The considerable strength of the software in some foreign markets means that it is of particular interest to a hosted (and therefore International) service like Online50. Partners who deal extensively with overseas companies that are investing into the UK are particularly keen to be able to offer MYOB as a hosted option.

If you would like to discuss the use of MYOB please contact your account manager.

Accounting Office

Is a highly configurable, scalable and flexible accounting solution which has the unique feature of offering either a Windows or a Web interface. This allows you to choose how different users are able to interact with the software, some using the Windows interface and others the web interface. Users opting for the web interface will benefit from cost savings as the infrastructure and licensing requirements to deliver the web application are reduced.

This means that the entry level price will be £35 (compared to £75 entry level Sage 50 price) on the Online50 end user tarrif.

Another important feature of Accounting Office is that because all systems are based on the same core product, upgrading to new features is very straight forward and no data migration is needed. Please call our Sales Desk (0800 195 0835) to arrange a demonstration.

Revised Storage Tarrif

We have recently reviewed our Storage Tarrif and we are changing the way it operates. Most users do not exceed their storage allowance and therefore will not be affected. However with the introduction of new services which will demand more storage (notably hosted exchange and online backup) it is important that out storage prices are reviewed now.

Under the new tarrif, large users of storage will now pay considerably less than was due under the old system. Allowances for storage will not be reduced - and so we do not expect many users to see any change. For more information, and to discuss the storage tarrif, please contact your account manager, or if you have not yet signed up to Online50, please call our sales team.

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