January 2012

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Meeting Uncertainty By Improving Efficiency

Media reports out on the 3rd January 2012 welcomed us back to work with an indication that roughly half of CFOs think there will be growth in the economy and the other half think we will see contraction.  That is a very high degree of uncertainty.  On the upside at least roughly half of them will be right!

In an uncertain environment, smart businesses will go forwards in 2012 with a drive to improve their efficiency.

With that in mind, we have included information about: hosted Microsoft Exchange which provides increased efficiency for teams and outlined why the ability to fully integrate all your software and data will improve the efficiency of your staff.

Also topical in the networking industry at the moment is the legal issue of jurisdiction over hosted data.  We have included a short summary and some comment by Rob Lambden, Online50 founder and Chief Executive.

We trust you have a good 2012!

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In This Issue:

Data Jurisdiction For Cloud Computing
Improve Team Efficiency With Hosted Exchange
Software Integration In One Location - Reason 1 To Choose Online50

Data Jurisdiction For Cloud Computing

When you adopt a 'Cloud Computing' paradigm, or even use on online backup or colocation hosting service, you are entrusting the storage of your data to a third party.  This can present a conflict of interest in the protection of your data as different laws may apply to the different parties involved.

There is a link to further information below, but a brief summary is included here.  In the EU (where most of Online50's customers are based) there are strict laws protecting personal data.  These laws include criminal sanctions and a stipulation that any data releases should be notified.  In contrast the Patriot Act in the US requires that US controlled companies (including subsidiaries operating in Europe) comply with requests for data from the US government, regardless of that data's location.  Furthermore, the Patriot Act stipulates that the revealing company is not allowed to disclose that the data has been shared.

As an EU based company, if you entrust data to a company that is, or is controlled by, a US company then that company could have to reveal that data to the US government.  This would leave you, as an EU based company, in breach of the European law, and exposed to action taken against you.

Both Amazon Web Services and Microsoft have confirmed that they would comply with requests made under the Patriot Act to release data that they store in their European clouds.

Representations have been made to the European Commission that EU data privacy laws should be relaxed.  There are a number of arguments and some of these seem to be compelling — however at Online50 it is our opinion that relaxing laws protecting data would be dangerous and is uneccessary.  While it is true that the current laws require companies to take care with personal data that is entrusted to them and limits what they can do with that data, that is a good thing.  To remove that level of care seems similar to the relaxation of regulations in the financial sector that preceeded the current financial crisis.  Professionally managed companies will take appropriate care of data entrusted to them — and if companies are not professionally managed, then they should not be entrusted with data.  I certainly wouldn't want them to be entrusted with my data!

Online50 are a UK based company, and own all of the equipment that is used to deliver our services.  As such we operate under UK and EU law.  We do use the services of third parties, but not to store data as we own and operate all of the storage ourselves.  We are certified to ISO 27001 - the International Standard for Data Security - and to maintain that accreditation we must undergo regular external audits to show continued adherence to the standard.  It is quite clear in our contracts that we are responsible for protecting your data, and that data is protected by EU law.

If you currently have your data hosted elsewhere and you are concerned about the legal implications, or whether the level of protection is adequate call our Sales Desk to discuss your concerns on 0800 195 0835.

Links (all open in a new window)

Forbes: Can European Firms Legally use U.S. Clouds To Store Data?

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Improve Team Efficiency With Hosted Exchange

Tired of manually syncronising your mobile with your work Outlook?  Fed up with wasting time tinkering with servers?  Boost your team's efficiency with shared and automatically up to date calendars, contacts, to do lists and of course emails across multiple devices using hosted Exchange — and leave our engineers to deal with the servers.

In the early years of a business, Outlook is likely to be setup with individual email accounts, downloading email from the mail server and storing in folders on the computer.  With all emails coming into this machine and leaving from this machine, everything will work fine.  Each user will have their own calendar, contacts and task list — all resident on their own computer.  For users working alone or in a very small team, this might suffice.  However this creates separate "islands of data" which presents an increasing challenge as the number of users grows.

Challenges Of Stand Alone Software For Growing Teams

Team Collaboration

Growing teams require collaboration to ensure customers recieve the best possible service — why should a customer query wait until someone returns from holiday when another member of the team could easily have dealt with it?  In order to collaborate teams need to be able to share at least contacts, task lists and emails if not also calendars.

Mobile Working

Other problems emerge when one or more members of the team needs to be more mobile.  They may have a machine at the office and need to work from time to time at home or from another office or on a mobile device while commuting.

Maintenance And Backup

Stand alone software has to be maintained fairly often.  Time spent tinkering on computers is not going to help the business grow or pay the bills. 

Too often Outlook is not properly backed up (it cannot be backed up like other files because while Outlook is open the file is 'live') which can result in the loss of significant and important files or information.

Hosted Exchange For A Collaborative And Mobile Workforce


Exchange overcomes the problem of Outlook data only being available on a single device.  For example if the email comes into the phone first, or the home machine, that is the only copy.  Reply to an email or send a new email from the phone or home machine and that is the only copy.  When back in the office there will have no record of that email.

With hosted Exchange all your devices access the master copy on the server which results in all devices displaying the same content.  Whether you are looking at emails in a web browser from an Internet cafe, on your home or work computer, on your iPad, Android tablet or mobile phone, all received and sent emails will be syncronised.

Also, any number of users can have full access to any number of mailboxes.  For example, a sales mailbox could be managed jointly by the sales team.  Everyone in the team can see all incoming emails and monitor the responses made by other members of the team.  They can all send emails which are from that mailbox so replies come into the same shared mailbox.

A further Online50 benefit is that we allow a single mailbox to have as many incoming email addresses as you want.  This means that the shared sales mailbox could support email addresses: sales@ info@ enquiries@ howtobuy@ and whatever else you need in your business.  These email address don't even have to be for the same email domain (so you could have, and all delivered to the same mailbox).

Finally, Exchange allows people without an Internet connection to work on their emails (and other Exchange content) offline and then syncronise them again as soon as there is an Internet connection.  This is especially important when using Exchange as a mobile user, for example on a train.

Online50 hosted Exchange is charged on a per user basis and not per mailbox or email address.  User 1 could therefore have sales@, enquiries@, support@ as well as firstname@ and a range of others all from just £7.50 per user per calendar month.

Contacts, Calendars and Tasks

Managing company contacts when each person has their own contacts list is like trying to herd kittens.  Does everyone have all the contacts?  What about the contact with the changed mobile number - has everyone updated that?

The ability to share calendars and task lists can drive up the productivity of a team because information is available rather than held in isolation.

Exchange gives each user the opportunity to have individual and shared contact and task lists and calendars.  In addition all items are automatically syncronised across any range of devises.  Where necessary individual data can be shared with specific people (so that a PA could see the MD's diary, but no other users have access to that data).

For example if a call came in from a potential new customer, their details could be added to the contact list.  An appointment can also be added for the sales person's calendar.  Let's suppose that they were going to be in the area that afternoon and were going to be in a meeting just five minutes away earlier in the day.  When the sales person finishes their first meeting they check the calendar on their phone and their diary would have been updated with the new appointment.  They can then call ahead to confirm using the updated contact list which has also synchronised to their mobile.

See Exchange Data Across All Your Devices

If you work on a PC or Mac, iPad or Android tablet or practically any Internet enabled mobile phone, all your Exchange data will be fully available. 

Hosted Exchange from Online50

Hosted exchange can be taken as a stand alone product or as a software combination suited to your specific business needs.  When taken alone, it is possible to access the Exchange data either online using Outlook Web Access, on a mobile or on any range of devices all of which will remain syncronised.

(For the relatively small number of Blackberry users, we can support Blackberry devices but you will need to purchase third party software and load it onto your Blackberry).

From just £7.50 per user per month including unlimited mailboxes and email addresses, why not consider improving your team's efficiency in 2012.  Call us today on 0800 195 0835

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Software Integration In One Location - Reason 1 To Choose Online50

Software Integration

It makes no sense to capture customer details into a CRM system, then into your finance software and then into your newsletter package and so on.  This wastes time.  Software integration allows you to share data between different software packages easily, saving you time and money.

In One Location

In theory it is possible to link up different online software products but this can be difficult and you may lose control.  What is linked, and how, is controlled by the software companies - you dont have a say.  If you ever need to move, you have islands of data held by different companies.  How well each company is protecting their share of your data is not easy to work out.

Software Integration In One Location With Online50

With Online50 all the software is located with one provider.  By implication your data is all located in our network (which is replicated between different locations to ensure continuity).  It is therefore all subject to the levels of security, backup and disaster recovery associated with our systems.  Online50 complies to International Standards for information security so the data is well secured and protected.

Make sure your software and the data it creates is integrated, protected and secure with Online50.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2012

Integrated software packages reduce
duplicated data entry, saving time.

Partner Day - Save This Date!

Thursday 29th March 2012

Following the recent announcement of the date for the budget we are pleased to confirm that our partner day will be held in London on Thursday 29th March 2012.  This is a revised date due to the budget, so make sure you have noted this date if you would like to come.

We look forward to seeing you there!

New Build Improves Speed

The Online50 service operates on a "managed build" process where we periodically roll out upgrades to software in a managed way.  Users do not have to adopt newer versions of the software unless they choose to.

The latest version of our build is on its way.  This incorporates a number of changes which will benefit our users, including increased speed of operation1.  The new build is a completely new implementation of the Online50 service, and not just the adoption of some software patches, and so naturally this will result in some changes for existing users.  We will be contacting users as we prepare to move them to the new servers with the new build running on them.

1 Initial tests (which are in a development environment) suggest that Sage 50 Accounts products could be operating at up to double the speed when compared to the current deployment.

New Visitor Welcome Process

In the final quarter of 2011 we introduced a change to the way we support new users.  We have introduced an initial telephone call to all new users to ensure they are fully setup and understand how to make best use of their Online50 service.

This is the first phase in a new user adoption process and the reception from new users has been better than our initial expectations.  We are now working to implement the next phase of this new process which will introduce more structure to the overall process and user references including written and video guides to supplement this call.

If you have any ideas of things that would help you, or for reference materials you would like (and how you want to use them) then please contact the helpdesk.

EMail Subscriptions

This communication is sent to confirmed recipients. If you would like to subscribe to future issues, then please go to our secure Contact Request Form and ensure you tick the 'Keep me Updated' option.

Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm