July 2005

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Growing with Online<>50

Since Online<>50 introduced the new pricing model from Sage for Line 50 on a hosted basis in April, we have had a very positive response, especially with regard to "bureau licensing". We have already welcomed two Top 50 practices as Online<>50 Partners under the new terms, increasing our existing profile of 'Top 50 Accountants'. With the publishing of this year's '
Top 50' list by Accountancy Age, and Accountancy Magazine's Top 60 list, we are pleased to see that a number of our clients in this bracket are growing, some quite aggressively. We anticipate continued growth as accountants of all sizes and their SME clients enjoy the benefits of cooperative working on a common system.

In addition, our recent round of investment financing provides us with additional resource to expand our service and to reinforce our position as the leading Sage Authorised Application Service Partner.

Finally, may I remind all Champagne lovers among our bureaux that the Upgrade Conversion Challenge is still running. We are continually impressed by the success of a number of our Online<>50 accounting partners. Keep up the good work and the fizz that's on ice will be yours!

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In This Issue:

Online<>50 Opens Second Datacentre
IT Inside Out Second Round Funding
Think Online<>50 for Upgrades
Online<>50 Bureau Licence

Online<>50 Opens Second Datacentre

In our last newsletter we announced the opening of our Second Data Centre and promised more on the underlying technology and architecture of the solution. Additional capacity has been installed to enable greater security for your data, but also to provide the basis to expand the range and scale of services that we offer.

Our equipment is housed in tier one, purpose built, secure facilities with backup power supplies, sensitive smoke detection and fire prevention systems in place. No one has access to our servers without the correct clearance and without passing through rigorous security checks, including biometric and visual identity confirmation. The two data centres are some 7 miles apart to ensure continuity in the event of a disaster affecting one of them.

Within this shared environment our equipment is locked in reinforced steel cages. You can be confident that the infrastructure supporting the Online<>50 service is secure and will enable optimum performance levels and accessibility.

In the second data centre we have now installed:

  • 15 servers
  • 5 Terrabyte (TB) backup library
  • 3.5 Terrabyte Fibre Channel Storage Area Network

We have a direct connection between the two sites allowing users to access the service in either site. At present the storage is configured with the original data centre as the primary (master) set of data and the second site updating changed files periodically. For users running higher end systems on a database server (rather than on a file based database) we are able to configure real time updates between sites to ensure availability of data.

With our market leading infrastructure we are able to provide the most advanced, scalable and resilient support for our users' business needs. We cannot guarantee what may happen in the future, but we can prepare to provide an advanced and scaleable solution that will support our clients' needs now and into the future.

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IT Inside Out Second Round Funding

We are pleased to announce that IT Inside Out, pioneers of the Online<>50 service, successfully completed second-round fundraising in June. In addition to our new institutional investors, the Heritage Capital Fund, Adelphi Funding and Quad Partners, we also attracted repeat investment from a number of first-round ‘angel’ and employee investors who have supported the company since launch in late 2003.

This funding, which includes 5-year unsecured loans, is a significant demonstration of confidence in the online accounting concept in general, our technical solution in particular, and the continued acceptance and uptake of the Online<>50 model within the accounting profession.

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Think Online<>50 for Upgrades

Keeping the accounting software that you and your clients use up-to-date can have significant benefits. Not only do you get the latest features and developments, but you also ensure maximum efficiency of data exchange between you and your clients. But when you next discuss accounting software requirements with your clients, or suggest an upgrade, you now need to consider the application service (ASP) option as well. Moving to Online<>50 includes all future upgrades, is payable monthly, and offers a number of additional benefits that may make it a better long-term solution for some of your clients.

Since we launched Online<>50 in October 2003, one of the most common frustrations voiced by accountants is that clients don't always upgrade their accounting software, and are consequently always on a different version to the practice. To cope with this, some practices set up dedicated workstations for particular previous versions, but clearly this comes at a cost in terms of equipment, office space and support. There is also the inconvenience of having to email and restore back-ups, with your client unable to work while you, as their accountant, have the 'Master File.' Alternatively you may have to travel to your client's premises to conduct relatively routine tasks that could easily be done remotely. In many instances this may be only a minor inconvenience for the individual client, but when magnified within a practice across a portfolio of clients this becomes a significant inefficiency with an 'opportunity' cost.

In a market where small businesses are increasingly looking to outsource accounting related functions, while retaining control of key processes and above all access to their data, there is much improvement to be made in terms of the delivery of remote business support services. And as accountants keen to shift away from compliance work to higher value and ongoing advisory services, you will need greater 'hassle-free' access to your clients' data in order to support them and keep their accounts up to date, but without restricting their own access in any way.

The Online<>50 application service provides the solution to all these requirements. It gives you, as accountants, the infrastructure and common software application that enables the more efficient and flexible delivery of outsourced services. As an Online<>50 provider, you will be clearly differentiated from your competitors. Your service will be more proactive, and will include software and annual upgrades for your clients in a single scaleable 'pay monthly' package. Your clients will also be able to retain control of their data by taking back-ups of standard data files to their local machine or network.

In short, the availability of a single real-time accounting system, fully licensed, including upgrades, accessible from any location and available around the clock, has made all other forms of data transfer redundant. For the proactive accountant wanting to get closer to his clients, and the business owner wanting to focus on growing his business, the marginal cost of a hosted service is small compared to the 'opportunity cost' of the inefficiencies in current industry practice. So, if you are still thinking of upgrading your clients' accounting software, think Online<>50, as it may well be the upgrade that you both need.

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Online<>50 Bureau Licence

Any practice or sole practitioner requiring flexible access to a 'bureau' version of Sage Line 50 should consider the Online<>50 hosted bureau licence. You pay a monthly licence fee for access to unlimited companies so there is no need for significant capital outlay. The monthly hosting fee provides a fully managed and supported technical infrastructure.

Online<>50 'bureau' gives practice users increased flexibility, including the ability to input data remotely from another location without limiting concurrent access within the practice. And of course it is a simple matter to extend access to the client as and when required by licensing them for the Online<>50 service.

By running a bureau (or proportion of a bureau's client base) on the Online<>50 service, accountants can adopt more flexible and cost efficient working practices without the need to support their own IT infrastructure.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2005

Uncut Aquamarine

"A gem is not polished without rubbing,
nor a man perfected without trials."
Chinese Proverb, motto of Tafi Makamure

Can you guess?
Competition Winners!

In our last newsletter we offered a bottle of champagne for the reader guessing the number of users that logged in to our ASP servers on Wednesday 29th June 2005.

We are pleased to announce that we had a winner with the exact number, but to our surprise that winner comes from the same practice, Riches and Watts, that won the May competition. Clearly a practice with a taste for the good life and a whole lot of luck!

Well done Hannah Riches, who correctly guessed 541 logins for that day. For those of you who are interested we provided 1029 hours, 29 minutes and 1 second of processing time on that day.

Meet the Team
Tafirenyika Makamure

Tafi joined IT Inside Out (ITIO) on 8th March 2004 as a systems administrator and Online<>50 helpdesk support analyst.

Educated in Zimbabwe, he has A levels in Economics, Biology and Geography, and a City and Guilds Diploma in Software Applications, for which he was awarded Gold Medal for Excellence. Since joining ITIO, he has attained the Microsoft Certified Professional qualification in Windows 2003 Server and Windows XP and is now studying for his Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer qualification.

Tafi starts his workday commute on the Central Line and Docklands Light Railway. After an hour of travelling his priority on arrival is a cup of tea. He then begins the daily routine of systems performance checks to ensure a smooth start to the day. That done, he answers support calls or concentrates on systems development for the rest of the day. Tafi's greatest satisfaction is to solve problems and to exceed the expectations of his customers.

Out of work Tafi loves gaming on his X-Box. His pet hate is bananas.

Tafi's favourite Chinese proverb: "A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials."

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm