July 2010

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Business Environment Warming Up

"Business is looking much better" is the consistent message we are hearing from the companies we work with.  At Online50 we work with a broad section of businesses and their accountants.  Most companies that use our service are small businesses, and they tend to be established rather than startups.  We have been hearing consistently that companies are seeing more enquiries, more confidence and more orders.  The 2010 calendar year seems to be in marked contrast to the 2009 calendar year when enquiries and confidence were very visibly down.

We provide services that enable a company to work effectively in multiple locations, and especially when they want to receive a higher level of input from their accountant.  When a company wants to split the accounting function with an accountancy services provider, our services allow them to divide the work in any way that makes sense for them.  Not surprisingly, more small businesses succeed when they are supported by their accountant.  Smart companies are choosing to collaborate with their accountants for competitive advantage.

Oh - and by the way although the picture looks very inviting we don't endorse paddling in your local park - it scares the ducks and annoys the park-keepers!

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In This Issue:

Competing in the Cloud: the online paradigm for accountants
Next Generation Client Collaboration
Online50 Sponsors Sage Award
Latest Whitepapers

Competing in the Cloud: the online paradigm for accountants

This concise presentation will be given at Sage Connect 2010 by Rob Lambden, CEO and Founder of Online50.  It will explain how the concepts of Cloud Computing and Online Accountancy relate specifically to accountancy firms.  If you would like answeres to any of the following questions, this 10 minute 'buzz' will be ideal for you:

  • Why is The Cloud important to accountants?
  • What is The Cloud anyway?
  • How can The Cloud help my firm?
  • How can The Cloud help my clients?
  • Isn't The Cloud just a fad?
  • How will The Cloud change the way we do business?

We will also be making available a whitepaper covering the topic in more depth.  Visit the Online50 stand after the buzz session to receive a copy.

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Next Generation Client Collaboration

The commercial launch of Online50 in 2003 introduced a new way of working to small businesses and their accountants.  By using accounting software that was hosted the accountancy tasks could be divided between the accountant and the client and a much more flexible way of working was made possible.  Since then we have continued to see lots of businesses choose to run their business software, not just accounts software, on our platforms.

This autumn we will be launching our next generation client collaboration system.  The system is designed to complement the existing Online50 service, not replace it, and extends the ways in which an accountant can support their clients and provides new opportunities for different companies to work online.

The system builds on the unrivalled success of the Online50 concept - make it easy for people to do the work they want to, with the tools they want to, in the way they want to.  It provides a range of features that will appeal both to smaller organisations (who may find a standard accounting package 'too complicated') and larger organisations (who want more control and users in defined roles).

We will be giving a preview of our Next Generation product at the Sage Connect event on 21st July 2010 - we are not providing any details of the product in advance of that date.

If you would like to know more about the product but you are unable to visit the British museum on the 21st July please let us know and we will send you an information pack after the event.

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Online50 Sponsors Sage Award

We are delighted to announce that we are sponsoring the Innovator of the Year Award at the Sage Connect 2010 conference.  The event takes place on July 21st at the British Museum in London, and is an opportunity for accountants to receive updates from Sage, hear a number of industry speakers and network.  Speakers will include Nick Hewer (Alan Sugar's right hand man from The Apprentice), Spencer Kelly (presenter of BBC Click), Paul Stobart and Jayne Archbold from Sage, Julian Hatt from HMRC, Michelle Sansome from the Accounting Standards Board and Jack Mansfield from Companies House.

Online50 will be attending the event, presenting a 'buzz session' called "Competing in the Cloud: the online paradigm for accountants",sponsoring the Innovator of the Year award and giving a preview of our next generation client collaboration platform due for release shortly.

Doors open for the event at 9am with the award ceremony at the end of the day.

Links (all open in a new window)

Visit the Sage Connect website

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Latest Whitepapers

We have recently issued a series of whitepapers that explain how Client Collaboration, Cloud Computing and Online Accounting are being used in the real world.  These have proved much more popular than even we had anticipated.  If you haven't yet seen these and they are of interest to you then you can download them from the Whitepaper library in our Secure File eXchange, or for your convenience we have provided a download link with this Newsletter.  All of our whitepapers are in Adobe PDF format.

The latest whitepapers are all aimed at being practical explanations while still carrying plenty of information.  Becasue of this we have called them all How To ...  We hope you may find them useful.

How To Use the Internet to Bring You Closer to Your Clients
Are you interacting with your clients online? Can you be confident in the security of your online systems? Do you want to streamline the way you work with clients? This practical guide shows different ways in which you can work with your clients easily and securely using the Internet.
How Cloud Computing can Empower Staff and Improve Recovery Rates
Cloud Computing has become a popular term recently. This practical and concise guide has been written to explain how accounting practices are benefiting from Cloud Computing. A must read for any accountancy firm considering online services or internal system upgrades.
How to Spot 7 signs of Inadequate Business Software
This guide outlines the seven signs that business software is inadequate and gives examples to help you spot them. It discusses why firms and companies put up with inadequate software and how to remedy the problems. A must-read for anyone involved in selecting software or advising clients.
How To Expand Your Practice in 5 Dimensions
In producing this guide we have drawn on our experience working with hundreds of accountancy practices over nearly a decade. It looks at five common strategies for expanding an accountancy practice, discusses some of the issues with those strategies, and for the purposes of example shows how Online50 partner accountants have used services from Online50 to support that strategy. A must read for anyone involved in accountancy practice.

You can access the guides using the links below.

Links (all open in a new window)

How To Use the Internet to Bring You Closer to your Clients
How Cloud Computing can Empower Staff and Improve Recovery Rates
How to Spot 7 signs of inadequate Business Software
How To Expand your Practice in 5 Dimensions

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2010

Business is becoming more relaxed for
this lady in Greenwich Park, London

Not Just Sage 50

At Online50 we don't only host Sage 50 Accounts.  As we are a service that allows accountants and their small business clients to work together in different locations Sage 50 Accounts is one of our most popular applications.  But we also host other software, and because we are independent of Sage we also host software from other vendors, including Microsoft for example.

We can provide a complete service for small businesses on the Online50 platfrom using standard software.  And if you need something a little different our Elastic Computing Platform provides flexible capacity on demand to run whatever software you need.  This has proven to be of particular interest for customers who need to upgrade their infrastructure, for example to run a new version of IRIS or Sage 200.

Our business is enabling other businesses to be more efficient by outsourcing the running of portions of your infrastructure to allow flexible working.  If you need access to software from multiple locations talk to us about whether hosting that software is a sensible option for you.  You can reach the Online50 Sales Desk on 0800 195 0835.

Welcome to the team

We are delighted to announce the expansion of the Online50 team with the addition of two members of staff.  Poonam joined the Support team in April this year.  Initially Poonam joined us on a work placement having completed her training with an IT training Company as part of our community involvement programme.  Poonam has a BSc (Hons) in Information Systems.  Having completed her work placement we offered Poonam a permanent position on our Support team and we are delighted that she has accepted.

Pete Lomax has also recently joined the team as a Windows Software Developer.  Pete will work along side our senior engineers at Online50 working on the system software that enables the Online50 service.  Pete has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and brings over 12 years commercial programming experience with him.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm