June 2006

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Smoothing Your Path With Online50

It's all about making life easier for you. Whether we're helping you build a sound foundation for selling on value-added services, taking worries about data security away if you lose a laptop, or allowing you to sidestep yet another Windows upgrade we are here to help.

More practices continue to take advantage of our online accounting platform - along with the AVN Firm of the Year, we have members of the MRI, Jeffreys Henry, Horwarth Clark Whitehill and Alliotts networks to name but some.

If you want your clients to take online accounting from you, call us today on 0800 195 0835, or ask your question
here, and we'll help move things along.

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In This Issue:

Online50 Partner wins AVN Accountant of Year Award
Avoid Microsoft Vista Upgrade Pain - Run Your Software With Online50
ISO9001 Certification Achieved
Has Your Laptop Been Stolen? So Has Your Data. . .

Online50 Partner wins AVN Accountant of Year Award

We are pleased to congratulate Online50 partners Robert J Hart of Irvine, Ayrshire on winning the AVN Firm of the Year Award 2006-7.

Robert J Hart are known in the region as a progressive practice, and are constantly seeking to use new business tools to help clients and build strong relationships.

Peter McLean, Senior Partner at Robert J Hart said “Our firm has always provided the range of services you would expect from a good firm of chartered accountants. However, we don’t believe that this is enough and we have made a positive commitment to changing the typical relationship between client and accountant”

Peter highlights one particular client, Irvine-based Amperor Europe where Online50 has helped both parties get the most out of the relationship.

“Initially Amperor needed help with all their accounting functions, but we were able to get them started with basic bookkeeping on Sage Line 50 running on the Online50 platform. This gave them a greater sense of ownership of their accounts, but we didn’t lose our ability to control the quality of the bookkeeping work. As time progressed they added a second Online50 user in Hull to record stock changes online – meaning that the Irvine office could see changes in stock levels in real time.”

Peter says: “Our philosophy is based on a focus on ‘Compliance, Control and Consulting’. We take the compliance burden off the client, give them control of their management data, under our realtime supervision, and then help them to grow using our suite of consulting tools.

Underpinning all of this is the quality of the accounts data – Online50 means we and they know exactly how Amperor is performing – based on that we can confidently sell them the AVN consulting tools. Amperor is one of the lead clients of Ignite Scotland, our sister consultancy company, using tools such as the AVN Profit Measurement Improvement System.”

Peter concludes: “We have seen the future for Robert J Hart and are confident that by using all the tools at our disposal we can grow the level and quality of our business with clients, providing a reliable fee income stream for many years to come”.

If your are an AVN member and also want to upgrade your client relationships call us today on 0800 195 0835, or leave your details
here to hear more.

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Avoid Microsoft Vista Upgrade Pain - Run Your Software With Online50

Yet again, Windows is changing. The replacement for the Windows XP operating system has been announced, Windows Vista, and yet again it probably means another trip to the computer store.

It’s a long-standing joke that Microsoft is in cahoots with the PC manufacturers – that each new version of Windows is designed to drive sales of new PCs as older machines can’t cope with the demands placed on them by the new software. The reality is less conspiracy theory, more a reflection of the fact that PC architecture is being stretched to cope with ever wider range of demands such as supporting digital cameras and playing computer games with movie-quality graphics.

All this means that the humble Sage Line 50 user is being dragged along an upgrade path which is largely irrelevant to them. However help is at hand - by having us host your business-essential applications such as Sage Line 50. Instead of replacing every PC in your office in one go, we can deliver those applications to your internet browser on your existing PC (or Mac) at a scalable, pay-as-you-go monthly rate.

The recommended minimum requirements for a PC capable of running the version of Vista don’t appear demanding for a brand-new PC. However we don’t yet know the “real” requirements as opposed to the nominal which can be found by checking out Microsoft's Vista Upgrade Advisor using the link below.

If your PC has definitely seen better days contact us today to discuss the lateral thinking option.

Links (all open in a new window)

Windows Vista upgrade advisor at Microsoft

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ISO9001 Certification Achieved

We are pleased to announce that the Online50 service has been ISO9001 certified. This means that our processes have been audited and our clients will have the ongoing benefit of us being held accountable by an external body for our quality of service.

The ISO Certification project has been ongoing for some time, and was completed with a final inspection of our quality systems by an external auditor. Jim Kelly, who headed up the project within the Online50 team comments: "The certification we have achieved is a result of the whole team at ITIO co-operating to ensure that we can accurately track and audit our customer facing processes. We look forward to welcoming many more customers onto the Online50 service as we continue to make improvements to our systems."

ISO9001 Certified

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Has Your Laptop Been Stolen? So Has Your Data. . .

If losing a laptop seems like an issue for the IT department, think again. One of the Big Four recently featured in the IT and the accountancy press for having lost a number of laptops in the US which not only contained data on client details, but details of one of the client’s customers.

A moment's forgetfulness can jeopardise years of relationship building - so the question is why take the risk? People have different reasons why they choose to use a laptop. The convenience of being able to work whenever you want to is one - for instance when you are traveling. If you don’t work from the same location on a week to week basis, for instance if you’re a consultant working from a client site, using a laptop cuts out the headache of trying to log into your corporate network.

The solution to the problem is simple – if you don’t have to, don’t keep data on your laptop! This may seem illogical, but the Online50 platform lets you keep business-critical customer data securely in our datacentre, and access this data as you need, instead of carrying it around with you.

Instead of struggling with a VPN, internet access is all you require to get “back to base”. Thanks to the ever wider availability of high-speed wireless data networks based on WiFi or 3G you can even consider using the laptop as a portable internet terminal.

We don’t just host Sage Line 50 – you can also rent hosted MS Office and access all your business documents online, or your accounts production data if we host your back-office software. If laptop security is a headache you’d rather not have, give us a call on 0800 195 0835 and we can discuss options.

To read the story in full click the link below..

Links (all open in a new window)

Article at Accountancy Age

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2006

A smooth road to online accounting with Online50

World Cup Report

Ardent England supporters will be astonished to learn that during the England vs Paraguay match (on a Saturday no less), some users were actually logged in to Online50. However, usage was significantly lower than normal, particularly in the afternoon. The graph below shows the number of users actually logged in to the Online50 service over a period of 24 hours for Saturday 10th June (this is the blue line) and also for the same period the previous Saturday (this is the yellow line).

Saturday Logins

Following the England vs Trinidad & Tobago game on the evening of Thursday 15th June we experienced a lower level of logins to the system on Friday 16th June. Logins for the day were running at just 788 (against 1044 for the Tuesday of that week).

However it's a free world, and as there are Online50 users in the US, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Japan & Australia too (among others) urgent management accounts are sometimes going to take precedence - even over watching the England team grind out 90 minutes of football!

PS: some readers of last month's newsletter have claimed we inserted a subliminal message of support for England. Although this was unintentional, we'd be interested to know if you saw it too.

Raise Awareness With Clients

If you'd like help to raise awareness of online accounting with your clients give us a call on 0800 195 0835 and we'll help you with marketing ideas. We can discuss your plans and even supply materials you can use, whether or not you are an existing Online50-powered bureau.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm