June 2007

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Making it Easier

As the British summer gets underway people across the UK are experiencing heavy rainfall and, for some, this means flooding. Some communities have been severely affected. Over this past week we have received a number of calls to our helpdesk from users who have been prevented from travelling by the weather. We cannot control the weather or stop flooding. However, providing the weather has not interfered with a user's Internet access then they will still be able to work with their business software and data even if they cannot travel. With more of our users regularly using the Online50 service to enable them to work from home, companies that choose Online50 have experienced less disruption from the recent weather.

At Online50 we are a service provider, not a software vendor. Our business is the service of providing applications. As a service provider, our job is to make things easier for our customers. Easier to use the software you want to, where you want to. Easier to operate on the same data from multiple locations. Easier to choose to upgrade and to choose not to upgrade. Easier to support your colleagues and clients. For those of our customers affected by the recent weather - easier to work from home.

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In This Issue:

Upgrades On Demand
Not Just The Accounts
How Safe is Your Data?

Upgrades On Demand

Users who subscribe to Sage Line 50 on the Online50 service are entitled to upgrade to the latest version once it has been released, but they are not compelled to upgrade. Users choose to upgrade (or not) when it is appropriate for them to do so. Users are also able to have access to more than one version - for example an accountant may support a number of clients with different versions of Line 50. Where one client may choose to remain on version 10, another chooses to run the most recent version, currently (May 2007) this is version 2007. The accountant can run any available version and work with the data of those clients using that version whenever needed.

New versions of software often have new features that users will want to take advantage of, and of course old versions of software cannot be supported indefinitely by the software author. Because of this we would expect to see users moving to newer versions over time. However, as the principles of double entry bookkeeping have not changed users will need a compelling reason to adopt new software while still processing in the same financial year. This is particularly true if a user has encountered problems with upgraded software not functioning as expected in the past.

Line 50 Datasets by VersionWe have carried out an analysis of the versions of the Sage Line 50 datasets that we host, and the results are presented to the right. We can see that, given the choice, most users are choosing not to adopt the latest version when it is available - indeed most users that join our service are currently not requesting the latest version of the software.

For some software it is more important to be on the latest version. For example, we also host Sage Payroll, and with this software users will need to have access to software that supports the latest legislation. We work with our customers to ensure that they migrate to the new software in keeping with their own processing cycle, minimising disruption and ensuring that they always have access to the latest software for their needs.

To discuss which versions of software are available on our platform please call your account manager. If you are not yet an Online50 customer, but you would like to know how we can help you manage different versions of software, please call the sales desk on 0800 195 0835.

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Not Just The Accounts

The Online50 service does not just provide access to accounting software. Using our shared infrastructure users are able to access Microsoft Office, Payroll software, CRM software and others. All software can be taken on a pay as you go basis - you use the software when you need it with 30 day terms.

We are the only licensed provider that currently provides users with acess to Sage Line 50, Sage Payroll and Microsoft Office. With the other software packages available, we can run all of your business software, or just the parts that make sense for you. We have customers for whom we host just their accounts, and others for whom we host everything. You choose what you want hosted, and which of your users has access to which software - we charge you on a pay as you go basis for the software you have subscribed to.

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How Safe is Your Data?

We live in an age where data is more valuable than ever. There are regularly stories in the news about stolen laptop computers and the problems wih loss of data. Lost data can cause serious commercial problems (such as loss of order details or customer records) and may be irreplaceable (such as loss of family photographs). We even see cases where people say that the thief can keep the laptop, but they will pay a reward for the data being returned. One professor who had her car stolen with a laptop inside it, generously offered to let the thieves keep her car, if only the data was returned. She had backed up the data onto a memory stick ... but that was in the car as well.

Theft is not the only way in which data can be lost. Fire, flood, hardware failure and human error can all cause data to be lost.

When you use the Online50 service you have your data hosted in a professional environment, spanning two sites. In addition to the system backups that we take each day, you are able to backup data to your own systems, including to a USB memory stick. This allows you to retain complete control over your data, and also to guard against most causes of data loss. Since we provide more than just accounts (see below) you can use your data from anywhere. And because we are hosting standard Windows applications, your data is portable - you can use the same software on your own computer as the software that we host.

If you're not yet an Online50 user and you'd like to discuss how Online50 can host your data and applications, please call our sales desk on 0800 195 0835.

PS: Our research has failed to find any recorded instances of stolen data actually being returned. If you know of any instances where stolen data has been returned we would love to hear from you ...

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2007

Working From Home

Work From Home - or anywhere else
with Online50, your anywhere office

Homeworking Case Study

In keeping with the theme of 'Making it Easier' users may want to look at the recent case study for Chase Inventory Services. Chase use a network of clerks to complete inventories for landlords and letting agents. All of their staff work from home but the company grew to the point where they needed access to the same accounting system ... to read the full case study (PDF file) please click here.

Infrastructure Upgrades

At Online50 we are constantly upgrading our infrastructure. In the past month we have purchased 5 new servers and a new backup library with a capacity in excess of 15 Terrabytes. The new servers allow us to continue to scale our service as demand for hosted software grows. The new library uses the latest technology to provide us with more backup capacity and the ability to write data to the library faster than most computers can read from their hard disks - which should reduce our backup window. Our users do not have to pay for the continuous improvement of our infrastructure - it's all part of the service, and it's all included in the low 'pay as you go' monthly fee.

Help Shape the Future of Online Accounting

At Online50 we are a service provider, not a software vendor or a systems reseller. We want to know what our current and prospective users want from a provider of hosted solutions for accounting and business. To this end we will be sending out a number of 'early bird' questionnaires to recipients of this newsletter. If you receive one please complete and take the opportunity to shape our services to what you want. We will be continuing to ask for feedback as we go forward.

EMail Subscriptions

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm