May 2005

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May Brings Higher Usage

The weather has been warming up, and things are heating up in the online accounting market as well. In our April Newsletter we pointed out that the service was busier than ever with a record 600 logins on April 20th. We are pleased to see that the high level of usage has been maintained, and a new record for most logins in a single day has been set at 681 for the 10th of May (a Tuesday).

Our servers can easily cope with this level of demand, but in anticipation of continued strong user growth we have invested heavily in our second data centre and the scaling up of our infrastructure.

Some of our readers may have seen information in the press regarding the new Sage license model that was mentioned in last month's newsletter. It does seem that the pricing is not clearly understood (unfortunately it is now more complex) and we are taking this opportunity to provide some clarity.

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In This Issue:

Second Datacentre Goes Live
Sage Encourages Upgrades with End of Life
Upgrade Conversion Challenge
Online<>50 Pricing in the News
SMEs are Ready for Hosted Services

Sage Encourages Upgrades with End of Life

With the release of Line 50 Version 12 scheduled for mid August, accountants and Sage Business Partners will be aware that Sage recently announced the intention, with effect from 31st July 2005, to remove all support for versions 4 – 7 from the Line 50 range of products. For accountants offering an 'outsourced accounts department' or 'virtual finance director' type of service to clients, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to the benefits of Online<>50.

With the holiday season fast approaching, Online<>50 offers business owners and managers multi-location 24 hour access to their accounts data. Any business looking to enable flexible working will find this an ideal solution. Given the additional benefits of remote telephone support, a secure scaleable and robust IT infrastructure, a technical help desk for support, a common application and all future upgrades included as standard, you will no doubt appreciate that the time and efficiency gains from using Online<>50 will far outweigh the cost. See our upgrade Conversion Challenge, below ...

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Upgrade Conversion Challenge

Sage are encouraging users to upgrade their accounting software in advance of the release of Line 50 version 12 expected in mid-August (see also the article above). Users whose Line 50 software is approaching 'End Of Life,' and who are faced with an upgrade, should consider the benefits of Online<>50.

Not only will they benefit from simultaneous multi-location access, and enjoy the benefit of having their accountant closer to their business, but they can now choose which Line 50 version to upgrade to: Accountant, Accountant Plus, and Financial Controller are all available now. Online<>50 currently hosts versions 8 to 11 and the service allows users to select any of the currently hosted versions. Although upgrades are included in the cost of the service, users are not forced to upgrade to the latest release. They choose when to upgrade, and for users who prefer to wait for the first service pack to be released before installing an upgrade this is of great benefit! Analysis of our user base after the release of version 11 showed that 20% of users chose an earlier version than the most current when coming onto our platform.

Although a move to the Online<>50 service will cost more than a straight forward in-house upgrade, there are other benefits, to both accountants and their clients, that could far outweigh any cost differential.

Sadly we are unable to offer discounts for upgrades, such as those that Sage is currently offering on upgrades to users of versions 4 to 7, as they do not apply to the online licenses. However, as an incentive to Online<>50 business partners to promote Online<>50 as a beneficial alternative to in-house upgrades, we are offering a 6 bottle case of Bollinger to the Business Partner who adds the most client users over the period June 2005 through August 2005.

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Online<>50 Pricing in the News

In our April Newsletter we announced that we have new terms for the licensing of the Sage Line 50 range of products on the Online<>50 platform. We also wrote individually to our clients advising them of the implications of the changes. Feedback has confirmed that there is some confusion with regard to the new model, due in part to unclear presentation of information and to a significantly more complex structure than we had previously. Unfortunately some of this misunderstanding has been communicated to the accounting press resulting in one instance in a very public discussion of the changes to our agreement with Sage by parties without a full appreciation of all the facts.

Our aim here is to set out the facts and to clarify some misconceptions about the recent changes.

Most of the issues relate to an increase in the price of the service. While in most instances the price of the service on a monthly basis has increased, this is easily explained and justified.

Product vs Service

When comparing ownership of software to the ASP model, it is important to compare like for like. It is entirely reasonable that the cost of the same software should be the same independent of the channel of delivery. With the new pricing model the cost of the Sage application software is clearly and separately identified allowing this comparison to be made. With a hosted service, such as Online<>50, there are clearly additional costs for the hosting, support and other services that are provided - and benefits arising from these services too. It is not reasonable to expect that a software only solution would cost the same as a managed service as they represent totally different propositions.

Our original contract with Sage gave us exceptional terms for licensing Line 50 Financial Controller online. The Sage licence terms were not charged monthly, as you would expect for an ASP offering, but annually with our only monthly charges being for hosting and other relevant software licences. So, while we believe that Sage have acted within their rights to introduce an adjustment to the pricing of their software for the ASP model, we believe it reasonable to expect the Sage ASP software licence to be comparable to the cost of software ownership. While the new licence terms are indeed broadly comparable with the cost of offline product, we believe that a number of assumptions underpinning the new price level are incorrect, and that a further (downward) adjustment may be required to bring them to parity.

Added Value

As outlined in our April newsletter, and despite the changes to pricing, there are a number of advantages to the new model. Not least, the removal of the ‘block of 10’ companies in favour of ‘unlimited companies’ for bureau users, with client access being provided as required. In general, the added flexibility and range of products available is being well received. The benefits of the service and the added value that it facilitates still outweigh the cost, but there are always exceptions to the rule. We are currently developing applications and partnerships that will address the particular concerns that have been raised so that our clients will have applications to suit a broader range of requirements and budgets. Please direct any enquiries to the sales desk or talk to your Account Manager.

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SMEs are Ready for Hosted Services

In a recent survey carried out for, among others, Microsoft, around 44 percent of small businesses say they are ready to pay for hosted services. The survey focussed primarily on communications offerings and concluded that the widespread take-up of broadband has made the application service provider (ASP) model viable today.

The survey suggests that the most likely customers for the ASP business model are small businesses specialising in professional services such as law and consulting. This confirms our belief that the real value of the Online<>50 proposition is as an enabling platform for the outsourcing of 'non-core' functions to external experts, such as accountants.

Microsoft is known to have been looking at online delivery of software for a number of years, and the success of a number of ASP companies is being closely tracked by the software giant.

Rob Lambden, Online<>50 Managing Director, comments: "We are not surprised to see that the interest in hosted software is increasing further. Our own user growth continues to be strong, and our continued presence in the market is proving to former sceptics that the online delivery of software makes sense commercially, technically, and socio-economically."

This survey is clearly very good news for the growing number of practices using the Online<>50 service as a platform for delivering outsourced accounting solutions. Not only do small businesses want the ASP option, they expect it.

Links (all open in a new window)

Article at ZDNet

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Second Datacentre Goes Live

Our second data centre is now live, and we are actively servicing clients from two locations. This enhances our infrastructure and is a milestone in our service provision. Prior to this second site opening our infrastructure would have been approved by most corporates for their own use. With the addition of the second site, some 8 miles away, our platform is now clearly the most technically robust and scalable available to the SME accounting market. We have taken delivery of an additional 15 new servers and we plan to deploy more servers over the coming months.

Online<>50 bureaux benefit from the increasing scale of our infrastructure at no additional cost, and without having to source, implement or manage any of the technology themselves.

For those of you interested in the underlying technology and architecture of the solution we will have more information available in the next issue of the Newsletter.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2005

Child and Tank

As the Corporate Big Guns eye up the ASP
market, Online<>50 shows the way

Did You Know?
Competition Winners!

In our April Newsletter we offered a prize to the reader submitting the most amusing explanation as to why we see roughly 20% more logins on a Tuesday and a Thursday compared to other weekdays. We enjoyed reviewing your answers and after struggling to choose an outright winner from our two finalists we decided to award both with prizes. Congratulations to you both! The winning entries are shown below:

The initials of the two days are TT which is short for Tee-Totaller. Accountancy is a sober career and the rest is self explanatory - Give me the Champagne now as I am the exception to the rule! Jim Watson - Golden Casket

We all love accounting so much, and by doing it on a Tuesday and a Thursday, we are either having fun and doing it today, or if not doing it today we can always look back fondly to yesterday, or look forward with great glee to tomorrow when we will be doing it. It is never far from our hearts. Tina Riches - Riches & Watts Limited

Congratulations to both of our winners who have been notified and will be receiving their Champagne shortly!

Can You Guess ?

Following the success of our April competition we are going to run another one! Readers will be aware that we have been seeing strong user growth, both in terms of subscribed users and also in terms of the number of logins that we have to the ASP servers on a daily basis.

We are offering a bottle of champagne for guessing the number of users that login to our ASP servers on Wednesday 29th June 2005.

Following a brief analysis of logins we have seen that we normally have around 20% higher logins on a Tuesday and a Thursday (why was the subject of the April Competition). Also bear in mind that our highest number of logins to date is 681 for 10th May (a Tuesday).

These are actual logins to our ASP Servers to run Line 50 online, and not just hits on our website. For full details and to enter please see our website.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm