May 2008

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Partner Briefing - 12th June 2008 - Book Now!

All Online50 partners are invited to attend the Online50 Partner Briefing on Thursday 12th June 2008.  We've taken on board the feedback we received from our last partner day in November and changed the format to meet the needs of our partners.

This event will be held at the Hilton, London Canary Wharf.  This is more flexible than our last  venue, it's very accessible and if partners would like to stay overnight we can arrange accommodation at the hotel itself.

We've also tailored the content based on partner feedback.  We are keeping the chance to hear from other partners about their experiences with the service, and the briefings from us on how the service is continuing to develop.  We have replaced the vendor updates in the afternoon with a choice of two sessions.  We will run our Service Proposition Workshop for partners who are interested in that, and also enable a partner networking session for partners who would rather network together.

We will start at 9:45 - the Hilton Canary Wharf is easily accessible to major rail and road links, and is also within easy reach of London City Airport.  Places are limited, both for the full briefing in the morning and the Service Proposition Workshop in the afternoon so please reserve your place today by calling your account manager on 020 7536 7736, or the Service Delivery Team on 0871 384 3511.

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In This Issue:

Service Proposition Workshop
The Accountants Role in Value Added Services
Online50 Website Refresh

Service Proposition Workshop

For many of our accounting partners the process of communicating the services they offer to current and prospective clients does not run as smoothly as they would like.  Following requests from our partners we have compiled a 'Service Proposition Workshop'.  This workshop is designed to help our partners define the services that they will offer, who to offer them to, and how to communicate that offering.

The workshop is lead by us, but there is a significant role for delegates to discuss their own business, and identify meaningful service offerings.  The workshop is applicable to any accounting services that are offered, not just those based on the Online50 service.  Due to the nature of the workshop we expect that it will work best with between 6 and 10 delegates.

Topics covered

  • What services you are good at
  • The benefits that clients derive from your services
  • How to identify current and prospective clients that will benefit from these services
  • How to communicate these benefits
  • How to differentiate your proposition from the client's alternatives (your competitors)

We will be running the Service Proposition Workshop for 10 delegates on the afternoon of 12th June, following on from our Partner Briefing.  If you would like to attend this please contact your account manager urgently to reserve your place on 020 7536 7736.  If you are unable to attend on the 12th June, but would like to attend in the future please let us know.  we can arrange to run the Service Proposition Workshop 'anytime anywhere' providing that the attendance and cost justifies running it.

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The Accountants Role in Value Added Services

Accountancy is a service industry, and in a service industry the 'added value' that a services provides to the consumer of that service often justifies a premium price for the service.  With the training and experience of the accounting profession, accountants should be in a position to provide considerable 'added value' to their clients.  However, many small businesses do not appreciate the value of traditional accounting services that they are offered.  For example, the preparation of statutory accounts does not excite the typical small business owner.

Small business owners face a diverse set of challenges, and the financial administration of their business is often one of the most demanding.  While most small business owners value the experience of their accountant, they often find that they are not always able to clearly communicate with them.  As a result they can feel that they are not getting the best value out of the relationship.

Our experience of working with Online50 partners over the years has shown us that accountants who can clearly communicate with their clients, who understand their client's needs, and provide services that meet those needs suffer from less fee pressure and client churn.  It also makes the whole process of dealing with clients more pleasurable as they are receptive to ideas and open to discussing how they will benefit from the services provided.

If you are an Online50 partner then we can help you think about your value added services through our partner briefings, networking with other partners, and with our recently introduced Service Proposition Workshop — please speak to your account manager on 020 7536 7736 for more details.  If you are not yet an Online50 partner, and you would like to find out more about how the provision of value added services can help to build an accounting practice you are encouraged to 'tune in' to Rob Lambden's presentation at the Accountancy Age online seminar on the 14th May.

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Online50 Website Refresh

The refresh of the Online50 website has now been completed.  Our team appreciates the comments we have received from our users and partners, thank you to all who have commented.  The new website has a fresher feel, thanks to the new shade of blue we are using, an improved navigation and structure, and lots more content.

New features that have been included due to user demand are:

Partner Directory  

All of our partners are listed in the partner directory.  This can be used by prospective users of the service to find an accountant in their local area, to compare partners and identify which services are offered.  Partners can list all of the accountancy services they provide, not just Online50 based services, and we intend to promote the partner directory heavily later in the year.

Online50 Explained Animation  

This flash animation explains the concepts of the Online50 service and the benefits that arise from its use.  A slightly abbreviated version of this will be released to partners, for use from their own websites.

Secure File Exchange  

Our downloads area is now based on our Secure File Exchange.  This allows documents to be made publicly available, and also to have other documents that are only available to users that have properly identified themselves.  This service will be rolled out to all Online50 partners who are paying a partner fee.

As our service is offered mainly through the websites of our accounting partners, we find that many of our users and partners do not visit our site on a regular basis.  If you haven't looked at the new site and you'd like some more information about our service, why not visit

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2008

Online50 Partner Briefing

Partner Briefing - 12th June 2008
Book your place now!

Surviving the Crunch

Accountancy Age PracticeSeminar

Accountancy Age is holding a web based Practice Seminar at 3 pm on the afternoon of 14th May 2008.  As part of the panel, Rob Lambden will be talking about how Accountants have supported their clients face credit issues and the value added services opportunity for accountants.  This is an issue which we know is relevant to lots of accountants so please register your interest by clicking on this link.

Usage Update

Periodically we publish details on usage of our systems in this newsletter.  In April 2008 we provided a total 3 years, 345 days, 33 minutes and 13 seconds of processing time.  This was provided to a total of 31277 user logins.  The highest number of logins on any one day in April was 1586 on Wednesday the 2nd — although the most amount of processing time for April was served on Tuesday the 8th when a total of 68 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes and 28 seconds or processing time was demanded by our users.

This update was compiled during the day on the 8th May 2008 — and as of the time of this writing the day with the highest number of logins ever was yesterday!  We provided 1614 logins on the 7th May 2008.

As the Online50 service continues to grow, we continue to invest to support the demands of our user base.  We still have spare capacity, so if you're not yet an Online50 user or partner and you'd like to know why so many people are using our service please call us free on 0800 195 0835.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm