November 2004

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Putting Our Customers On The Map

Since our last Newsletter we have exhibited at both Softworld in Birmingham and Sage Visions in London. Once again it was good to meet so many of our existing and prospective clients and users and we were touched that so many of you took the time to meet us and say hello. Of particular interest at these events was our map of the UK showing the locations of all the accounting bureaux that currently offer our service. I say most because, in spite of getting the largest map we could find (5' high), we could not fit all of the necessary pins into some of the locations! We now have over 120 bureau offices across the United Kingdom offering our service with end users across the world.

Many of you have asked us for an electronic version of the Bureau Map to be placed on the website. We think it's a great idea and we'll keep you posted.

Euro Pricing now available

As part of this continuing growth, and due to strong demand from Ireland, we are now able to offer pricing in Euros to our bureaux. (As we do not sell to end users directly we do not publish any end user pricing).

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In This Issue:

Vision Overview
Infrastructure Upgrades
Security Update
Introduction to BusyDesk
Sage Provides Rental Model

Vision Overview

The Online50 service is growing both in terms of the number of users we support, and the range of products that we offer. Some of our clients have been asking for a roadmap for the future development of the service. Although this article will not be a full treatment of our corporate strategy, Rob Lambden (Managing Director) gives an overview of our current direction.

“Since the launch of the Online50 service we have focussed on the provision of Sage Line 50 as a hosted application to allow accountants and their clients to work together on the same information in real time. We see the role of the accountants as the business advisor of choice to the majority of SMEs as crucial in the adoption of this technology in the SME market place. This strategy has been very successful and we have recently started to introduce a wider range of standard (Windows) products. (See Introduction to BusyDesk.) We will continue to work closely with our bureaux to identify value gained from online working and to provide a broad range of market-leading software online.

“Our core system has been operational since we started the original pilot in April 2002. It is stable and has an unrivalled track record in the online accounting sector. Building on core standard technologies our own software is able to provide the necessary operating environment for just about any standard Windows application to run online. We will be announcing a number of new offerings soon and throughout the coming year that will further enhance the value of the Online50 platform to our bureaux and their clients.

“For the coming year our aim is to provide more applications from more vendors to more users.”

If there is software that you would like to see hosted on the Online50 service, why not call us and discuss your needs? We look forward to providing you with more!

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Infrastructure Upgrades

We are in the process of upgrading our infrastructure to cope with the growing demand for the Online50 service. We currently have ample capacity, but with an accelerating rate of growth we are acting now to ensure that the current service levels can be maintained and further enhanced as we grow.

The first phase of the new infrastructure rollout has already begun, and this will see the implementation of the following enhancements:

  • 7 new IBM servers
  • Upgrade of core network to 1 Gigabit
  • Implementation of Fibre Channel SAN (Storage Area Network)
  • Additional clustering of the supporting services

These upgrades will improve the scalability of the service by clustering a number of the supporting services, as well as adding an immediate storage base of well over a Terra Byte (that's 1000 Giga Bytes) with a clearly defined upgrade path. We will be migrating users onto the new storage system over the coming weeks - we are pleased to report that there have been no issues with the users that have been migrated so far.

As part of these upgrades we will be retiring the original server which was used to develop the service and run the pilot. However, there is still plenty of life left in 'Osprey' and it will be redeployed to a slightly less demanding role in our offices.

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Security Update

We are often asked to publish details on our security systems. With high profile security issues in the media on a regular basis security is clearly a key concern for us and for all of our customers and users. However, we have never published detailed information on our security. We want to keep our systems and your data as secure as possible, and publishing some of the mechanisms we use could give insight to the wrong people.

You may have seen the high profile case of a high street financial institution that had to close down its website for a number of hours after a reporter discovered that they could access their customers' accounts using only a username and no password. Understandably some users have asked for confirmation from us that we cannot suffer from the same problem.

According to the reported issue this problem was caused by an upgrade that was applied and was around 10 days old when it was discovered. We are confident that the same issue could not apply to our systems for the following reasons:

  • We run a split authentication system that uses our own proprietary (secret) code and requires independent authorisation on two separate operating systems.
  • If authentication could be bypassed on one system the other system would still remain.
  • All data is kept independently in separate databases, this means that having access to one set of data does not also give access to other users' data.
  • No Sage passwords are generated by us or communicated to us giving you additional security and confidentiality.

As always, please remember that if you use a weak password (like 'a' for example) it will be easier to crack your account than if you use a strong password (like 'gr4sw!T&' for example).

We have a number of extra security options available. For example we can restrict logins to particular Internet Addresses (which could map to your office or home for example). We can also provide a secure 'tunnel' through the Internet using a VPN and restrict logins so they are accepted only on this tunnel. As part of our drive with BACS for online BACS transmissions we expect to be providing a SmartCard login option in the new year. To discuss these options and the cost implications please contact the Sales Desk.

If anyone has concerns over security they should speak to the help desk.

Links (all open in a new window)

Article at BCC

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Introduction to BusyDesk

The latest product addition to the Online50 service is the BusyDesk CRM suite of products. You can now access all your customer files and correspondence from anywhere. The fully functional CRM system, integrating with Microsoft Office and Sage Line 50, can be accessed over the Internet, so that no matter where you are, or what time it is, you have ‘real time’ access to your client and supplier information. The Online50 BusyDesk combination is ideal for any business owners, travelling executives, or remote or home-workers that need access to their client information on the move.

BusyDesk provides us with an excellent CRM system for marketing, and has helped us in our quest for the paperless office. With all our client files in BusyDesk, including scanned incoming documents and all outgoing documents produced, our biggest risk was if our client files became corrupted or our network crashed with loss of data. Luckily for us Online50 were willing to help and have been hosting our BusyDesk files on their managed servers for the last couple of months. This also means that we have access to client files 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world, along with our emails and Sage accounts. Throughout the process of transferring data onto the system we have had tremendous support from the guys at Online50 and we would like to send a huge thank you to them. I would also recommend this system to anyone – BusyDesk and Online50 are definitely a winning combination.”

Joanne Outram, Outram & Co

Links (all open in a new window)

BusyDesk Site

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Sage Provides Rental Model

Sage have entered into an agreement with Barclays Bank to provide Barclays customers with access to Sage software through the Barclays 'Business Manager' scheme. The scheme provides Barclays Business customers with access to a range of benefits and software, including Sage Line 50. The standard offering provides the 'Accountant' level of the software and users may upgrade to the enhanced levels by paying a higher fee.

Barclays already offer the Intuit based Clearly Bookkeeping package through their Clearly Business arm. This scheme also allows accountants to register as a 'Clearly Business' advisor and there are now a significant number of accountants in the scheme. Jo Ray, the new managing director of Sage's Small Business Division, highlighted the scheme at Sage's Visions conference at the start of November. She stated that the offering allows Sage to underpin their market position and address gains made by rival software providers. When she was asked by one of the delegates how this would impact on the accounting channel she stated that Sage believe that they will not be significantly affected. She also added that if the model proves successful over time, they expect to make a rental model available through accountants. It is expected that Sage will not reduce their targets for products resold through the accounting channel.

An existing rental model for Sage software has been available to accountants since the Online50 platform launched in October 2003. Accountants are able to offer the full Financial Controller version of Line 50 with the added advantage for both accountants and their clients that both can work simultaneously on the same data. This allows the client to enter the primary data with the accountant providing supporting functions for management accounts and so on. The existing nationwide network of Online50 bureaux is growing continuously, if you are not yet signed up as a user please contact the Sales Desk (number below) for more details.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2004

Our customers have been telling us what they think, have your say too.

In your Own Words

We have launched a new section on the Online50 website called 'In your own words'. This is being used to publish the many testimonials we have received from our customers. We will be adding to this section as time goes on.

We will also use this section of the website to provide links back to the accounting bureaux that offer our service so that end users are able to contact them directly.

If you would like to have a testimonial on the 'In your Own Words' section of the site, or to have a link back to your own site, then please contact your account manager on the sales desk for assistance.

EMail Subscriptions

This communication is sent to confirmed recipients. If you would like to subscribe to future issues, then please go to our secure Contact Request Form and ensure you tick the 'Keep me Updated' option.

Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm