November 2005

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Software as a Service Drives Vendors Online

Microsoft's new acronym SAAS (Software As A Service) has further boosted interest in hosted software, and more specifically in hosted accounting software. Although the ASP (Application Service Provision) model is not new, having its roots back in the time sharing of the 1970's, the new acronym has served to create additional interest in this exciting paradigm. Major players, aware that a shift to monthly licensing terms gives greater choice to end users, are taking steps to ensure that they can deliver high quality, value driven products in this new market.

In this issue we cover recent announcements from two of the largest players in the software world, Microsoft and Sage. In our May 2005 newsletter we covered news that SMEs are ready to pay for hosted services and it seems that now the corporate big guns really are moving into the hosted software market!

Demand for ITIO's Online<>50 service continues to be strong and as the new entrants into the market stimulate further demand we look forward to serving many more bureaux and users in the near future.

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In This Issue:

Microsoft Preview New Software Services
Small Firms Are Providing More Diverse Services
Breakthrough Access Service Announced
Sage Announce "Hosted Solutions"
ITIO Partners With UK200 Group
Sage Recommit to the Accountants Channel as Equal Partners

Microsoft Preview New Software Services

In a dramatic shift in strategy, Microsoft recently previewed two new Internet-based software services, Windows Live™ and Microsoft® Office Live, which have been designed to deliver rich and seamless experiences to individuals and small businesses. (
Click here for more details.)This is a significant shift away from their traditional model of selling ‘boxed-product’ and some see this shift as a response to the threat posed by Google. Regardless, the fact that these two software giants are waging their war on ‘software service’ turf is a sure indication that the Application Service model is the model of the future.

IT Inside Out (ITIO) have been providing the Online<>50 Application Service for over two years already, enabling accountants and small business owners and managers to share access to the same ‘Live’ accounting system over the internet. This focus has been because of the need for specialist outside advice that most small firms have when it comes to accounts and compliance.

However, as a Microsoft Certified partner ITIO have also been offering Microsoft Office, Exchange and CRM software on our ASP platform using thin-client technology. This combination enables any business to run a Virtual Office, allowing collaboration with other parties and giving access to enterprise class software and infrastructure for a predictable monthly fee. This is entirely scaleable and comes without the need to ‘buy in’ additional staff or technical infrastructure. In an increasingly hostile cyber-world of viruses, hackers and spammers the ability to outsource systems management to specialists with the skills and the infrastructure to minimise risk and ensure business continuity is an attractive option. Couple that with the benefits of greater flexibility, anytime anywhere access, and pay as you go pricing and it’s not difficult to see why the ‘war’ is being waged in this arena.

Online<>50 business partners requiring further information about providing the full range business application service to small business clients please contact your Account Manager on 020 7536 7736.

Links (all open in a new window)

Microsoft Hails Strategic Shift (BBC News)

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Small Firms Are Providing More Diverse Services

In a recent article in Accountancy Age (Small firms in unqualified success story shock, 27 Oct 2005) it was revealed that “since the government first announced its plans to remove tens of thousands of companies from the statutory requirement to have an audit…the number of audited accounts filed at Companies House had dropped by 89,000 since 2003 – almost a third more than the 69,000 SMEs the government had predicted would be affected by the threshold hike to £5.6m.”

These changes were met with some trepidation by many firms, particularly small practices, when they were introduced. Production of audited accounts for many was the prime source of revenue, but “despite what could have been a body blow to small firms, there has barely been a murmur from the profession.”

While an audit may still be required by stakeholders, the trend has been for small practices to move from audit work to ongoing advisory work, providing a personal service rather than satisfying a regulatory requirement. While this change in regulatory requirements may have acted as a catalyst, the tendency for small businesses to 'outsource' to accountants was already well established.

Developments in technology have been a greater catalyst for the trend to outsource. Low cost telephone services, email and the widespread availability of broadband, are the most significant factors that has led to the dramatic increase in outsourcing in our market. The recent announcement by Microsoft of a shift towards software services recognises a fundamental shift in the way businesses are operating. Software services enable businesses to focus on core activities. They can access external expertise and markets efficiently and cost-effectively regardless of geography. The software service in itself relieves a business of the need for an IT department and network infrastructure. From the software vendor's point of view it is a way to control licensing and to reduce piracy, a factor which must weigh heavily in any decision on how software products will be delivered in years to come.

ITIO’s business model for the Online<>50 service was built on the premise that internet technology is an efficient enabler. Our particular technology and service allows business owners and managers to outsource part or all of their accounting function to specialists without losing control or access to their data. It is focused on the delivery of hosted accounting software because it is an area where SME's are reliant on external service providers and where the most significant business benefits are to be found.

However, ITIO provide a fully outsourced IT solution, incorporating Microsoft Office Professional, Microsoft Exchange, a choice of CRM and accounting applications as well as website hosting. Forward looking accountants, therefore, can already offer their clients a complete ‘Virtual Office’ giving them anytime anyplace availability with the comfort of enterprise class systems, security, data back-up and help desk facilities.

For more information please contact your Account manager or ITIO sales on 020 7536 7736

Links (all open in a new window)

Article at Accountancy Age

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Breakthrough Access Service Announced

PDSL - Prioritised DSL - is a new Internet connection service designed by ITIO to optimise performance for online interactive services. The service has successfully completed trials and a commercial launch is expected shortly.

With the prevalence of broadband most Internet users are now using these always on connections. Users of the Online<>50 service are also increasingly using broadband for fixed cost always on connections. However one of the issues our users face relates to the increased use of the connection for other Internet services.

When a connection is busy information to be transferred is queued and this can result in delays. For most services, such as downloading a web page or sending an email, this delay is often not noticed and is accepted as part of the user's normal experience. However, for an interactive online service such as Online<>50 this delay can seriously affect the user. The Online<>50 service does not need particularly high bandwidth as it does not transfer large amounts of information - but it does need a connection which transfers information with minimum delays in each direction.

A solution to this problem was designed some time ago by the ITIO systems architects. The solution requires that the information to be transferred is properly prioritised to ensure that the Online<>50 information 'jumps' the internal queues so that it is transferred with the minimum possible delay. Since traffic is queued in both directions, both from the customer to the service, and from the customer's ISP back to the user, it is important that the information is properly prioritised end to end. Despite assurances from a number of vendors that their equipment supported the necessary features to support this operation none of the ISP's we approached were able to implement a working solution.

Undeterred we continued investigating possibilities and we have now completed trials with equipment from 1st Network Limited, a specialist UK network provider with experience in building private ADSL networks for the retail sector. Initial results show that even under very heavy load the user maintains a consistent experience with the Online<>50 service.

Rob Lambden, Managing Director of ITIO comments: "The launch of this service demonstrates the level of understanding that ITIO have in terms of providing a hosted software service and ensuring a high quality service is maintained at all times. Most of the work that is undertaken by our engineers is invisible to our customers, and rightly so - they just want to use the service."

The Online<>50 team are constantly contacted by people who have tried to implement their own system and failed to achieve satisfactory operation. Our level of technical leadership allows us to continue innovating to provide enhanced services to our customers. (Interested readers can revisit previous newsletter coverage in Under the Bonnet - the Online50 Hosting Platform). One of the factors that has enabled this service is the awarding of LIR status as mentioned in our September Newsletter. Users who think they may be affected by link saturation problems should request further information from the Sales desk, or speak to the help desk to understand more about the service and determine if it is a correct solution for them.

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Sage Announce "Hosted Solutions"

At the Sage Equal Partners event on 15th November 2005 in London Sage announced a service offering hosted Line 50. This service, called "Sage Hosted Solutions - Line 50" will offer end users the ability to access Line 50 running on Sage servers in Atlanta (and in their second site in Dublin when this becomes operational) in much the same way that ITIO's Online<>50 service does today. The announcement followed presentation of market research that claimed that over a third of respondents would be interested in such a service.

Line 50 has been available online under a valid license since the Online<>50 service was commercially launched by ITIO in September 2003. With over 4 years of operation (which includes the commercial trials) and a growing base of accountancy partners and end users the award winning service has attracted a great deal of interest.

The Sage service is still in its early stages and will not be commercially launched for some months. Current information indicates that Sage will initially only host Line 50. In his keynote presentation at the Sage Equal Partners event Paul Stobart indicated that it is Sage's intention to provide more software online in the future.

This announcement is the move many have been expecting for some time. It comes more than four years after ITIO began trials of the Online<>50 service, more than two years after the service was commercially launched, and a year after Sage announced a rental pricing model with Barclays Bank. (see: Sage Provides Rental Model in the November 2004 edition of our newsletter.)

Rob Lambden, Managing Director of IT Inside Out, who provide the Online<>50 service, comments: "We see the entry of Sage into the hosted software market as validation of the hosted software business model. Their decision to offer their software in this manner confirms that this is clearly now mainstream. As a multi-vendor independent provider with a commercially tried, tested and fully secure solution we are well placed to service accountants and their clients. As interest and demand in this market further increases our existing Online<>50 bureaux are well placed to benefit by providing online accounting services to their clients under their own brand and control."

ITIO's Online<>50 service offers software from multiple vendors and is not restricted to just Sage software. It also offers complementary products to Line 50 such as Microsoft office, CRM and Payroll. For more information on the range of software available please contact on the Sales desk on 0800 195 0835.

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ITIO Partners With UK200 Group

The Online<>50 service has several customers that are members of the UK 200 Group. After being invited to meet with members of the group, IT Inside Out (ITIO) have now officially partnered with UK 200 and attended the annual conference in Southampton in early November.

"By spending time with accountants and understanding the issues that face them we hope to be better able to serve their needs" explains Rob Lambden, Managing Director of ITIO. "It has been invaluable to meet with members of the accounting profession in a semi-formal atmosphere and to have a chance to talk through some of the challenges they are facing. We look forward to working closely with the group in the coming years."

UK 200 Group Logo

The UK 200 Group was founded in 1986 and is the UK's leading mutual professional association of quality assured accountants and lawyers. "Our mission is to be recognised within the professions and the commercial world, as the foremost mutual professional association of quality assured professionals serving the SME business sector."

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Sage Recommit to the Accountants Channel as Equal Partners

Paul Stobart, head of Sage UK, pledged Sage's continued commitment to the UK Accountants community at the first conference for accountants in the UK hosted by Sage Accountants Division. At the event, entitled 'Sage Equal Partners - You talk, We Listen' Paul Stobart admitted that Sage had made mistakes in its relationships with accountants in the past, and that they had been 'arrogant and dismissive'. He summed up by saying that relationships with accountants 'drives their business' and that they 'are committed and will remain committed' to the accountants community.

In other presentations Sage invited accountants to 'leverage Sage's extensive and strong position' in the marketplace, presenting figures summarising their existing user base and showing that they have one new customer every 3.5 minutes. Various products were covered, including the new strategy for their Practice software. After £12 million of expenditure, and with promises of £15 million more, the first instalment of Sage's new practice software is expected to be available before the end of the calendar year, with further instalments on the roadmap for release through to 2007.

Also presented were summaries of Sage's survey looking at the range of services clients take from accountants. They presented an article from Accountancy Age regarding the loss of statutory work following the reduction in the audit threshold, but interestingly the Accountancy Age follow up to this article showing no loss of fees was not mentioned (see Small Firms Are Providing More Diverse Services).

Sage is clearly very important to the UK Accountant's community, with an 'extensive and strong' position in the UK accounting software market. This event has been an attempt for them to recapture the hearts of members of the community. As other vendors are increasingly looking to work with accountants it seems that renewed focus by software vendors on the accountants channel is inevitable. This must inevitably lead to increased choice which is a good thing for the accountants community, and for the clients that we serve.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2005

As major players look for a share of the market,
Online<>50 still enjoys an enviable portion.

Online<>50 Team Expands

In our September 2005 newsletter we welcomed two new members to the team. We have continued expanding and we now welcome Omar Sharif who has joined us to work alongside the sales team. We have also agreed terms on new premises that will give us more than twice our current office space to ensure that our current growth rate is not constrained. More details in the next Newsletter!

Flightdeck CRM

A recurring theme in our Newsletter is a request for feedback on software that our users would like to see added to the Online<>50 platform. We are delighted to announce the availability of a new CRM package following user feedback.

Flightdeck is a highly configurable CRM package that uses Microsoft SQL Server and links seamlessly with accounting software packages including Sage Line 50. Since having the Flightdeck package recommended to us by a user we have evaluated and introduced the software. We are now in a position where the Flightdeck team are actively using the Online<>50 platform to provide demonstrations to some of their prospects and interested Online<>50 subscribers.

We continue to host the BusyDesk CRM system, popular with accountants and again adopted due to user demand.

Users who would like to discuss their CRM requirements in more detail should contact the Sales desk, or an existing user may call the Help desk if they prefer.

Flightdeck Logo

Award Winner

As we reported in the September 2005 Newsletter the Online<>50 service was shortlisted in the Accountancy Age Awards 2005 for the 'Best Small Business Software' category.

The award was won by Mamut Software, and although we did not win the team had a very enjoyable evening - and we were possibly the loudest cheerers! Congratulations to Mamut Software.

Although we did not win we are honoured to have been shortlisted in such a competitive category. To be a finalist in such a prestigious award is indeed an honour.

Line 50 Version 12

We are pleased to report that testing of Line 50 version 12 has been completed and the software is now available for users choosing to use it on the Online<>50 service.

The monthly software subscription price for the Sage ASP License includes the cost of all upgrades and so there is no additional charge for any user who chooses to upgrade. Users are free to choose to upgrade whenever they want to at a date and time that is convenient to them.

Any user wanting to understand what the benefits of Version 12 are, or to look at the online demonstration, should call the Sales desk.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm