October 2004

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Anniversary Edition

Welcome to the October 2004 Edition of the Online50 Newsletter, marking one year since the service was launched at Softworld in September 2003. Over 200 businesses are operating their accounting and other business functions over the Internet on the Online50 platform. They benefit from having "Anywhere Anytime Access" and enjoy enhanced support from their professional advisors. We are supporting accounting practices and book-keeping bureaux from sole practitioners through to national firms. Building on the success of the existing service we are planning to extend and improve our service where possible.

To help us improve the service we welcome feedback from existing and potential users regarding new features you would like to see and new software packages that you would like hosted. As a result of user feedback we have added a number of software titles to our range (including Aztech BACS-IP, the first hosted BACS solution), and we have some system features in development.

We look forward to serving you with a continually improving product.

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In This Issue:

IoD: Technlogy is Key for SMEs
Sage Confirms Online Business Model
Sage Line 50 Version 11 Availability
BT Extends Broadband Reach
Security Flaw in Oracle Database

Sage Confirms Online Business Model

Following user research conducted by Sage in the UK, and working extensively with the members of their accountants club, Sage have recently released Version 11 of their market leading Line 50 product. One of the key features of the product is the enabling of accountants and their clients to work more closely together by exchanging data in a more controlled way.

Adrian Grace (Managing Director, SME Division, Sage UK Limited) comments: “Line 50 Version 11 offers exceptional functionality for small business and allows accountants to give their clients an unparalleled level of support - saving them both time and money.”

This confirms the unique role that Online50 provides by allowing the accountant and their client to work simultaneously on the same data. By using the Online50 service an accountant has real-time access to their clients’ accounts and the exchange of data is now obsolete. Moreover, the Accountants Link feature currently requires both the accountant and the client to pay for upgrades to Version 11, whereas an Online50 solution allows the accountant to support clients on a wide range of Line 50 versions.

With all of the features of Version 11 available online with no upgrade charge, and the ability to support a range of versions of Line 50 together with other software, the reasons not to adopt Online Accounting with Online50 are diminishing.

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Sage Line 50 Version 11 Availability

Full availability of version 11 was announced on Monday 27th September. Our team worked with Sage as beta testers for Version 11 and quickly enabled the ‘channel release’ of Version 11 on our test servers. The ‘End User’ release has a number of different files, and so testing had to be recommenced to ensure that there were no issues. We are pleased to report that no major issues have been found, either with the operation of version 11 or with co-existence with other versions. This means that any of our bureau partners that want to offer version 11 may do so. Contact the Sales Desk or the Help Desk to arrange for version 11 to be activated on your account.

There are no additional charges for any upgrades to version 11, so if either a new company or an existing user needs this software it can be provided at no additional charge. Commenting on the expected uptake of Version 11 Dominic Harwood, Account Manager at Online50, said: “We expect interest to be high as there are some key new features such as the integrated Project Costing. However it is likely that users will wait for any reports of data conversion problems before we see a wholesale move to version 11. With Online50 it is no problem for our accountants to support clients on a range of different versions of Line 50 and so both the accountant and their clients can move when they are ready, at their own pace.”

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BT Extends Broadband Reach

Good news for those of you who have been unable to order an ADSL connection due to the poor quality of your line, or the distance of your premises from the telephone exchange. (Any users requiring a robust business class connection at a competitive price can contact the Online50 sales desk for information on our business broadband products).

BT Wholesale has announced that from 6th September 2004 the planning limits for 512kbit/s ADSL products will be removed and that the current limits for 1Mbit/s ADSL products will be extended to 60dB (6km). This means that, provided your exchange is enabled, you should be able to get broadband. You can check if your exchange is ADSL enabled using our Broadband Availability Checker

This announcement has been made following successful Long Reach ADSL trials in Milton Keynes and Fort William and Dingwall in the Scottish Highlands. BT is confident that 512kbit/s products can now be provided to the majority of people and the current planning limit of 60dB (6km) will be removed. This means that all line qualification results for 512kbit/s products will be green regardless of the length of the line between the End User and the exchange.

BT believes the removal of the limits on 512kbit/s products will bring more than 1million additional homes and businesses across the UK within reach for 512kbit/s broadband. Of course if your exchange has not yet been ADSL enabled you will still have to wait for the conversion of the exchange.

In the trials approximately 75 per cent of 512kbit/s self install orders worked on customer installation. Engineer visits to the remaining one in four customers succeeded in connecting all but 5 per cent of customers with lines over 60dB. These engineering visits will be managed under the business as usual fault processes for long lines (previously called the False Greens process) and work by the engineer might include:

  • Ensuring PSTN line is fault free
  • Local loop pair swap for a shorter or better cable pair (if available)
  • Isolation of the customer's phone extension wiring
  • Check micro-filter at PC and main socket installed correctly (and ask customer to confirm has installed micro-filter at other sockets with telephone equipment)
  • Checking customer's own equipment is not causing faults
  • Fitting a new front plate at the master socket

The current False Greens process is being implemented as the standard business as usual repair process for long lines along with the changes to reach limits. This process will apply when, having followed the self install process, the end user customer is unable to get the broadband line working. The ISP will report a fault to BT and an appointment is made for a BT engineer to visit the end user customer's premises and will endeavour to get the broadband service working. If the installation requires the fitting of a Service Specific Front Plate the engineer could, if necessary (and providing it does not have a detrimental effect on Service) also provide up to 30 metres of CAT5 data extension cable within the premises.

As this process forms part of the standard repair process for long lines from the 7th September there will be no additional charge. It is anticipated that an engineer's visit will be needed to complete approximately 1 in 4 installations on lines over 60dB.

The 1Mbit/s standard product limits will be extended from the current 43dB to 60dB.

It is not expected that there will be any changes to the prices or existing ordering and provisioning processes for these products. The system changes necessary to introduce these changes will be completed by the 6th September 2004. Orders placed before this time will be subject to the current planning limits of 60dB for 512kbit/s and 43dB for 1Mbit/s products.

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Security Flaw in Oracle Database

Oracle is working on patches for a series of flaws that have been found in its database software by UK security firm Next Generation Security Software. The security holes could allow malicious hackers to steal personal details. The flaws in current and previous versions of the company's database software could allow intruders to gain control of databases without needing a password or user authentication. Once a hacker has control of the database they can access all of the data held in the database.

Next Generation’s managing director, David Litchfield, told the Wall Street Journal: 'If they can get access they can own it and the data on it.' David Litchfield confirmed that his firm has found as many as 34 flaws.

Oracle says it is working on patches to fix the flaws but has not released any time scales for availability of the fixes.

The Oracle database system is used by many enterprise companies for their in-house databases, and is also used for many web based systems. Of key concern will be the ability of those companies running systems using the database to keep the data they hold safe. Commenting on security of data Rob Lambden, Managing Director and architect of the Online50 service said: “Online50 does not use any Oracle database components. Our security is split between a Linux front end and a Microsoft back end and uses our own (secret) code to ensure that no level of the system is circumvented. In addition users of our accounting system all have their own separate databases rather than using a single shared database, further enhancing security.” However, he does warn users to be diligent: “Any system is only as strong as its weakest link, and users should take care to ensure that they choose strong passwords and that these passwords are kept safe.”

Links (all open in a new window)

Article at ZDNet

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IoD: Technlogy is Key for SMEs

(From the Institute of Directors)

In a recent survey of SMEs conducted by Dell in conjunction with the Institute of Directors 84% of the IoD members questioned consider technology to be a key factor in driving their business forward. 73% of those responding gave increased productivity as their main reason for investing.

Commenting on the findings, Bill Rodrigues, VP and GM of Dell UK, said: “Small businesses are far more IT savvy than ever before and really understand the benefits and competitive advantage technology can bring to their business.”

Additionally, when questioned about the ideal technology solution they would like to implement in their organisation, most purchasers looked to support mobile staff using technology such as VPNs and 3G.

Professor Jim Norton, Senior Policy Advisor to the IoD explains, “SMEs could teach many large businesses a thing or two about really sweating their ICT investments. Once they can see bottom line business advantage, they are very fleet of foot in grasping the opportunities offered by ICT - such as mobile working”.

In addition to the evidence for forward looking purchasing decisions, SMEs still have numerous IT concerns. Almost two thirds cited data security as a significant worry, and over half of respondents are concerned about their disaster recovery plans - both issues that can be addressed using the Online50 platform.

In the light of this survey it seems clear that hosted solutions, such as Online50, are well placed to serve the forward thinking SME Enterprise with:

  • Access from anywhere
  • Reduced cost of implementation
  • Improved support from their Accountant
  • High performance, scalable infrastructure
  • Secure, managed service with aggressive SLA

Links (all open in a new window)

IoD Press Release

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2004

As Oracle works to fix security flaws in their database how safe are online systems?

Register for Softworld

It's that time of year again, and the Online50 team will once again be at Softworld Accounting and Finance Exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham - see us at stand 322.

We are announcing the availability of some new software - including the first hosted BACS solution. Staff will be on hand to demonstrate the system and provide support and advice on how to best use your online accounting facility.

Any of you who would like to meet us at the show would be welcome. We are always very rushed at these events, and so even though appointments are not necessary it is advisable to arrange a time to visit the stand in advance.

We look forward to seeing many of you again at the exhibition!

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm