October 2008

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Added Value Accountancy Services

For many small businesses the traditional services of accountancy practitioners - audit, statutory accounts preparation and taxation - are seen as adding little value.  The accountant that provides these services may find themselves under fee pressure and experience problems with write-offs and unrecoverables.  However there are many ways that accountants can add real perceived value to the small businesses that they serve.  Most accountancy firms bill the fees as a multiple of the hours worked without regard to the perceived vaue to their client.

At Online50 we provide an online platform that allows accountants and their clients to access the same accounting software in real time from different locations.  This allows a very flexible arrangement for providing outsourced accounting services.  Accountants who find different ways to work with their clients are finding less resistance to fees as they can match the service they provide to their client's perceived value.

In last months newsletter we mentioned a credit control service.  This is an example of where an accountant can implement a process for the client, run that process using junior staff, and then at the end of the defined process hand on to an agreed third party.  By simply sending out statements and reminder letters firms that are implementing this service for their clients are finding that they can recover the majority of a clients outstanding debts.  This service is highly valued by clients, and is cheap for the accountant to provde as they do not need to use qualified staff.

Other services that we will highlight in future editions of the Newsletter will include Management Information and Payroll Compliance.  To discuss how you as a practice can provide added value services, or how as a client your accountant can add value to your business, please call our account management team on 020 7536 7736.

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In This Issue:

Full Service Hosting
Functionality on Demand — Ambition Accounting
November 2008 Partner Events

Full Service Hosting

Traditionally the Online50 service has been used to provide a flexible platform for the delivery of accounting services. Because accountants and their clients can both access the same software and data from different locations a range of flexible accounting services  become possible. (Link to Case Study). The Online50 service can provide a range of software and so can be used as a flexible platform for users that will benefit from using an on-demand, fully managed software delivery platform. Using the platform users can, if they choose, have access to a range of software allowing them to operate all of their business online.

We have users that run Microsoft Office (along with all of their office files); accounting software; payroll software; and CRM software all on the Online50 platform. We also have users that have their own industry specific software hosted, and where we host the accounting software as well they can integrate the packages. For example an industry specific package might create all of the sales invoices, which are then posted through into the accounts software (for example Sage 50).

All usage charges on the Online50 platform are on a per user per calendar month basis. This allows users to scale their operations as they require. Applications can be added or removed as required. Where we host more than one application for users they benefit from only having to pay one hosting fee for multiple applications.  To find out how much to would cost to access different software packages please call our sales team on 0800 195 0835.

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Functionality on Demand — Ambition Accounting

Users who have outgrown their existing accounts software are faced with an implementation project for the new system. Even where the user chooses to take a more capable product from the same software company (for example moving up from Sage 50 to Sage 200) there will be issues of recoding ledgers (for improved information) and data migration.

The most popular application on the Online50 service is Sage 50.  For users who have outgrown Sage 50 and require software that can cope with a higher volume of transactions and can provide more functionality and support we currently have two choices. Sage 200 is available on the Online50 platform, but Sage do not offer monthly license terms for this product.  Ambition Accounting is also available on the Online50 service and is available on monthly terms.  Both packages can be run in house if necessary and so the user retains the flexibility to work online or in-house as their business requirements change.

For Online50 partner accountants that want to consider the differences between these software packages so that they can better advise their clients we have produced two documents that may help.  The Ambition Accounting Partner Guide and the Ambition Accounting vs Sage 50 Feature Comparison are available as PDF documents in the Partner area of our Secure File eXchange. Partners may call their account manger on 020 7536 7736 or login with their partner account using this link to access the documents.

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November 2008 Partner Events

Online50 Partners are reminded that our popular partner events are scheduled for Manchester in November. Partners who have not yet reserved their places should contact their account manager on 020 7536 7736 to ensure they are not disappointed.  The Service Proposition Workshop on Wednesday 26th November has the most restricted number of places and these are being allocated on a first come first served basis.  If you have not yet reserved your place please contact the Online50 team to avoid disappointment.

Service Proposition Workshop (Wednesday 26th November 2008 afternoon)

Accountants can add real value to their clients, but are not always able to communicate the value of the services they offer to their clients and prospective clients.  The Service Proposition Workshop is an instructor lead interactive half day workshop designed to help accountants formulate the way they structure and present their services to clients.  The tools and techniques covered can be applied to any service offering but the workshop focuses on the delivery of outsourced accountancy services that have an online delivery component.  (i.e.: the typical services that are offered on the Online50 platform).  Using the tools and techniques accountants will be able to identify additional service opportunities with current and prospective clients, and to confidently present the value of these to non-accountants.  This workshop qualifies for CPD points as an instructor lead course.

Partner Briefing (Thursday 27th November 2008 morning)

This series of presentations from the Online50 team and selected Online50 partner accountants is a round-up of development to the platform and how it is being used.  This will include a session on reporting techniques lead by one of our partners.

Software Features Comparison (Thursday 27th November 2008 afternoon)

This session will look at a number of real life scenarios for clients, and examine how their businesses are supported by software available on the Online50 platform.  This will allow Online50 partners to see how software can be used in real-life scenarios to support their clients and identify the differences in the feature set.

Online50 - Meet the Team (Friday 28th November 2008 morning)

This session is primarily for those thinking about becoming an Online50 partner and the opportunities that this represents.  If you have been considering Online50 and would like a chance to meet with the team and explore the opportunities that our partnership programme offers then please contact the sales desk on 0800 195 0835 to reserve a place.

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this document, however we cannot warrant that the information is free from errors. There may be omissions or inaccuracies in the information and it is provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the content or otherwise relating to the information.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the information presented in this document is owned by us or by the providers of such information and is protected by Copyright Law.

The Online50 service is provided by Online50 Limited, a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and Sage Authorised Application Service Partner. We are also independently audited and accredited to the ISO 27001:2005 standard for Information Security and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard. We are a private company, and independent of the software vendors whose applications we host. Online50 Limited is registered in England Number 3144276. Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK9 1DP. Correspondence Address: Unit 57 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS.

Copyright © Online50 Limited 2008

Lin Lawler

Online50 makes accountants accountable
Lin Lawler, Proprietor, The Brookfield Stud

Case Study: Brookfield Stud

After an unexpected bill from the Inland Revenue, Lin Lawler contacted Online50 asking for an accountant that would provide an open and transparent accountancy service.  Over the years she had worked with accountants that had not made figures available to her and kept her from seeing what was going on.  Although she is not an accountant, she knew that she wanted a system that would allow her access to see what was going on.  By working online with an Online50 partner, Lin can see the full state of her accounts.  She has the added security of using standard accountancy software so that she can download her data and use it elsewhere.

You can download the full Case Study by clicking on this link (PDF document, 143550 bytes)

Continued Growth

September ties in with the start of the academic year, marks the end of the summer holiday season and for many industries brings an increase in activity.  At Online50 we have continued to grow and continue to welcome both new partner accountants and new users onto our service.  Our year end is March 31st and the revenue for the half year to September 30th is well up on last year.  We  have not introduced any price increases so our increased revenue is solely due to increased usage.

If you are not yet a partner or a user of Online50, please contact us to discuss how the Online50 platform can help you and your business on 0800 195 0835.

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Certified Secure to ISO 27001
Sage Authorised Application Service Partner
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
ISO 9001 Registered Firm